May 07, 2003 12:28
well.. i don't have strep! i guess that's a good thing. but i DO have a bacterial infection in my throat so i'm on omnicef now. bleh.
i'm wicked upset that my friends and i are so crappy lately, so i wanan share some crap with you that i found hysterical last night LoL.. mama banks and i were watching funniest game show moments, cuz people come up w/ the STUPIDEST answers....
(newlywed game)
host : contestant #1.. waht does your husband refuse to let you put on his hot dog?
wife : umm.. bengay???
host : contestant #2.. what is your husband's favorite cuisine?
wife : *twirls hair and puts it over her mouth* ummmm... All in the Family?
host : contestant #1.. when you and your husband first made whoopie.. how did you know it was right?
wife : i was horny! *blushes* hahaha.. i still am!
host : contestant #2.. would you say your husband is urban or suburban?
wife : oh.. i don't know what those mean.. oh heck.. urban!
host : really.. and how long has he been urban?
wife : about two months now
host : and has he seen a doctor about this?
wife : yeah.. a little hwile ago
host : and did they give him anything for it?
wife : no.. but they gave me something so i dont catch it
host : name one thing your husband likes to squeeze while shopping in the grocery store
wife : his meat
wife : what? he's a butcher!
(family feud)
host : besides a car and a house, what is the most expensive item you own?
contestant : a car!!!!
host : when a woman is pregnant, during which month does she start to show?
contestant : september!