pissed off, but also happy =)

Apr 01, 2003 10:31

so things with dan are SOOOO totally over oh my god. i'm just upset that i let myself believe things he said. like when he told me he loved me and shit. HA. how fucking stupid was i? you don't love someone one day, then the next day you still decide you have feelings for some chick you broke up with before. complete and total bullshit. i'm sorry to disappoint y'all, cuz i know that.. well at least kristen.. thought he was a good guy cuz he was so nice to me. um yeah. not exactly!! if he REALLY cared about me, he would have the fucking balls to tell me on the phone or even in a god damn email that he was so confused. oh sure i got a LITTLE of that.. that he still ahd feelings for this chick, but not NEARLY as much as for me. ummm yeah right. then how come i read like the total opposite in his journal?!?! can we sayy... NO BALLS! girls.. watch out for the sweet talkers. at least it ended and i saw his true colors before i could possibly be REALLY hurt. i'm hurt of course.. no one likes this shit to happen. but i find it kinda comical cuz i saw it coming from a mile away.. i called this one, there were no surprises here. and also it's one less thing for me to worry about. wow.. i just wish i wasn't so naive and trusting.. stupid stupid me. that will soon change. BOYS : if you want to get ANYWHERE near being close to me, it's gonna take a hell of a lot more than sob stories and a handful of compliments. "listing my qualities on your fingers won't get you anywhere with me. the most you can hope for is my friendship, and you're really walking a fine line at that" - Cruel Intentions. yeah, maybe i am being a bitch. but wiht reason?? i think SO. i'm done with guys for a while.. until i find one ACTUALLY worth my time. like that'll happen.

P.S. Dan.. if you're reading this, don't you worry your little heart. i'm not liek the other girls.. i won't blab about you to your new chicks and tell them to watch out. they can find out for themselves about you... best way to learn is through experiences right?? right. thanks a lot for being so honest by the way. TOTALLY appreciate it. as my friend shley would say "ummm sir?" exactly.. what the fuck are you trying to pull??? "i'll never hurt you kait." uh huh.. i see that.
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