Trying to get back into the habit of journaling about the minutiae of my life...

Dec 24, 2009 17:16

And also trying to figure out the longest possible subject lines that I can.

So we're coming to the end of 2009, and I have to say...thank goodness. This has been one of those years that looking back on, I'm just glad I made it through intact. Getting stranded at Ober Gatlinburg on New Year's Eve should've been some kind of omen, but I foolishly dove headfirst into this year thinking it would be "my year."

Boy was I wrong.

I've gone through layoffs at work (not me but one of my coworkers, which took us down to 3 people. Argh), friendship battles, falling behind in grad school, gaining weight and being heavier than I ever have been, ex-boyfriend drama, Trey's epilepsy getting worse, and Dad's open heart surgery.

There have been good times too. I ventured into the world of community theater and have made some good friends. I had a couple of articles published in a national library magazine (yes, I'm aware of how nerdy that sounds), and just the fact that my Dad's alive is the best thing of all. I've still got a job, I'm healthy (chunky but healthy), I've got a roof over my head, and I'm beginning to sound like that Darius Rucker song (Alright? I think that's what it's called).

I'm going to do better in 2010. I'm cutting back my Facebook addiction (I'm not just saying that to be cutesy either; I have a mild addiction). I'm going to set some manageable goals and achieve them and be proud myself and write long, drawn-out braggy entries. I'm going to do better about writing and keeping up with things. I'm going to be a better friend, daughter, sister, grand-daughter, library lady, person in general. I've got lofty goals, and I'm confident in myself. This time next year, I'll be able to celebrate the year instead of just being relieved it's over. I'm going to do all of these things and so much more.

But for now, I'm going to eat a muffin.

Merry Christmas!!
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