Hello again.

Jul 05, 2008 21:18

So it seems that this has become my new Internet refuge so to speak. My family has slowly hijacked the realms of Myspace and Facebook, rendering me to post my infrequent musings in a safe place. Generally my topics are PG at most, but sometimes I just need to rant about things in the online world that I don't want my family knowing about. Such as the fact that my family is everywhere and it drives me crazy. And I'm not just talking about the 3 people I live with when I say family. No, I mean the whole extended clan; grandmas, aunts, cousins, everyone. Who really cares if so-and-so had a baby? Who really wants to go to another family surprise party (ironic because my parents wanted to have one for my upcoming birthday but time constraints and work schedules wouldn't allow it)? And who really cares about the meaningless conversations that my grandma has with her daughters? Not this lady. So when I want to talk about breaking my foot after sneaking off for an illicit clandestine meeting, I will do so here. And if I want to call my family unspeakable names reflecting their stupidity, I will do so here. And if I want to get an opinion on things that I think are important but I don't want to share with everyone and their mama (literally), I will do so here. Thank you to the two of you out there and good night.
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