Wow..Long time, No talk

May 28, 2004 19:02

Jeez, I havent written in this for so long. Well I am no longer in Arizona, actully i've been back for ALONG time. My cute lil niece is born.. She was 9.2 pounds when born.. (shes gained a couple pounds, now shes 13) Her name is: Shaylin Marie Martin.. Aka: Bunny (she was born easter) My sis might be moving in with us so I will get to live with her. YAY! She never cries shes the best baby.. And she has the prettiest blue eyes. They are like navy blue, so cute!!! Anywayz... Lets move on.

Ok well right now... HEy lets talk about my crush! I dont like anyone right now.. Well except for D.B.. Aka: Butter. But i've liked him since day 1. lol. My goal for this year is too have him sign my yearbook.. I keep chickening out thou.. UGGG!!! I will, or I will regret it forever!!

Well today was a really good day, nothing special just one of those days where everything just goes good even though nothing special happened. Except today was the day we start Finals.. Essay Exams.. UGGG I hate this. I want school to end, but then I dont. I almost started crying on my bus cuz I was thinking I wont see my friends or Butter for 3 months.. And i wont see my 8th grade friends anymore!!! I hate it. U want it to be over fast but when it almost is you start freaking out!

Well its ok.. I'll spend the 8 days wisely. Cant wait till July 27th.. I leave for my bffs!! Its gonna be awesome I'm going to my old hometown. I'm gonna see my old friends, my goddad, godsis... my ex.. Hey I might even have a summer fling. ((I STILL LOVE BUTTER OK!! and no im not talking about the food product.. read above if u dont get my statement)) Lalala... Ok thats it.. More tmw. Later
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