Sep 02, 2007 21:23's been a loooong time since I updated.
Doe happened, both spring and summer. I spent 3 weeks at home to get ready for school, unpack/repack and see friends and family, etc. Am now moved into my apartment and it's so much better than Neill-Wycik, I think I squealed when I moved in!!!
Hm....there might be a boy that I was interested in for awhile, but not so much anymore. Due to some hardcore facebook creeping, I found out he's a Bush supporter. Oh dear....I'm surprised he was willing to admit that in public. Maybe he was kidding, but to make your facebook photo "stand to support bush" or something, I don't think it's a joke. Is that wrong to judge him on political view? Hmm....I think it says a lot about his beliefs from the start. Clearly since he's made it his facebook photo, he's a pretty strong follower, too. Le sigh. This is really too bad....I think he's super nice and awesome. Granted, he still could be, but come on now. We're pretty much going to disagree on everything if he's that into the republicans.
Not too much else going on for the moment.....