Nov 08, 2006 14:22
Wow, I can't wait to graduate. Not to have a degree, not to further my education, but to get the HELL AWAY from girls in my program. If those that I go to school with are going to be teaching my children, I swear to LUCIFER my babies are being homeschooled.
Why don't we start off with how the girls in my program take advantage of new professors and ask for bigass extensions? Excuse me, but there are no extensions in the real world. Bite my ass.
Nextly. One friend of mine commented on how she now respects Britney Spears less since she filed for divorce because she "couldn't keep her marriage vows". WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO A WOMAN'S CHOICE?! If she's unhappy, I'm proud of her for leaving. I suppose my friend would rather Britney stay in a marriage where she's clearly miserable than be independent and to stand up for what she wants.
I guess I'll hop off my soapbox now.
BUT. It's total bullshit because we're learning about inclusive practice, and then these ECE girls turn around and spew all this other shit that totally negates that they appear to believe in class, and what we've learned in the past 4 years. (For example, learning to be supportive and including all types of families and totally checking judgment at the door, and then they judge Britney for getting a divorce). Ok ok, using Ms. Spears is perhaps an extreme example, but I think it gets my point across.
YOU CAN'T JUDGE SOMEONE UNLESS YOU WERE THERE. And since none of us will ever BE Britney Spears, who are we to judge?!
Who are we to say Kevin wasn't raping and abusing her and making her life hell? Maybe he was. If so, would you want Britney to stay there because she made some bullshit sacred vows 2 years ago?
GAHH. I've been debating whether or not to volunteer at Planned Parenthood (or some other pro-choice organization) to increase my awareness of these issues and to work with others who are like-minded, because apparently those in my program are not. Maybe once I graduate I'll spend some time there....