Jun 23, 2003 13:05
i am totally pumped cause my best friend in texas, olivia is driving to dallas to visit me tonight! she is so awesome cause i call her everytime i am in texas and she always drives to see me! not really sure what we are gonna do tonight---since i dont really know dallas but i will be sure to take tons of pics and post some on here.
finally decided to brave the roads of dallas and dropped the movies we rented off at blockbuster---i think i broke 10+ driving laws but i made it back safe and sound. woot woot.
watched "the secretary" last night with my bro and kate---i loved it! it was totally weird---but good. yall should go and rent it NOW. :) watched "a guy thing" the night before---it blew.
um....just hanging out with bailey today---damn--she is SO cute. :) i heart doggies!