Aug 28, 2005 17:59
Starting out this new school year, I want more. I crave more. I want a new identity. I'm actually excited. I want to be all I can be in all respects. This year I'm going to shine and not in the infamous limelight. I'm ready for the battle, but I'm sure as hell going to win. I don't need to be happy, althought I don't need to be sad. I need to be balanced. I know I'm not going to be ecstatic everyday of my life, but I also know that I can't spend the majority of my time depressed and unstable this year. I have recently set goals for myself that are both acedemic and social achievements. Again, I'm excited. I want to be a better person and I'm going to be.
As goes for the guys. I will not sidetrack myself with any fuckers. They aren't worth it. My past relationships with some guys are going to have to take a backseat come this year. I'm not going to worry about that shit anymore. If it makes me sad more than it does happy then why the fuck bother? I don't trust a single one of them and I don't trust myself with them. I do crazy things just for their approval. I do things normal people just don't. I guess it's a problem but at least I know it is. Now I get to think twice about my actions under the influence of my mind on the drug called bullshit love. It's deceiving, it hurts, it makes you feel horrible and stupid, it's complete bull. Let's try and not bother with it this fucking year, shall we?
back to the A NEW PERSON IS COMING category
i want to do something surprising and amazing. something that no one will see coming. a total shocker. can i do it? i can do anything. i have faith, finally. I have the confidence and not just the confidence of how i can use my body anymore. I've grown. I got game. Oh yes, I got game.
Be ready for something fabulous to happen.