traipse: wrath

Sep 21, 2005 22:09

The boy sat in the corner of the room, lost in drugs & his thoughts. He stared as though the scene before him were a dream, and maybe it were at that; drug.induced dreams & attempts to slide beneath the real.

Chaos stood in the center of the barely-lit room. Chaos, embodied in the form of a slim boy only several years older than himself. Chaos, smoking a cigarette and blowing smoke from his perfect mouth as if he hadn't a care in the world.

The boy stared at the chaotic being for an eternity before dropping his gaze to the figure on the floor. Bound and gagged, unmoving except for the eyes. Wide fearful eyes, flitting to and fro, searching for escape. He could have laughed aloud at the figures motionless search for freedom, except those wide staring eyes kept falling on him. Staring and staring and he cringed and averted his own gaze, he hated those eyes. So often had they leered at him, tore him down without words, undressedbeatraped him without the actual actions.

Chaos was in motion again.

The boy's eyes raised to the young man who carried darkness and Hell liek a banner. Chaos Embodied was taking a last draw off his cig, he was blowing smoke into the air, he was flicking the cig away with an easy grace. He watched and the older boy's eyes fell on him. Chaos-In-Flesh smirked, a slight smirk on a perfect mouth which drove his heart into his throat and caused the rest of his body to react in its own ways.

Chaos turned eyes to the person on the floor. The smirk disappeared, replaced by a look that couldn't be described in words. A hard kick to the ribs of the floored figure caused the receiver of said kick to let out a muffled yelp of pain. Another, another, still another followed. The ribs, the chest, the head. Chaos was merciless, he was Rage, he simply didn't give a fuck.

The boy, on the other hand, was another story. Despite his disliek of the tied individual, he cringed at each muffled cry. Finally it was too much for him -he heard enough of his own at home- and he stood. Chaos immediately paused in his punishment of the young man on the floor, turning dark eyes to him. They stared at one another for eternal moments, then the older boy turned his attention back to Bound & Gagged. He knelt beside the young man, a knife suddenly in hand. Frightened eyes stared at the knife, closing as Chaos leaned close. A moment later the ropes which bound the hostage were cut, freeing him.

"If ever you or your fucking friends touch him again," Chaos whispered his first words of the night, "I'll fuck you up. I'll know, and I'll find you and I'll fuck you up." The now-free young man nodded from his position on the floor, and Chaos stood and moved away from him. The once-bound figure didn't move, remained motionless, probably until long after they had departed.

The boy watched - the scene was movie-esque in his drug.hazed eyes - as his companion approached him. Chaos returned to its resting place within the dark young man as perfect lips touched his own, stealing his breath.

"I love you." Whisper at his ear as a hand slid up his back to guide him from the room. The boy nodded, he knew, he knew. The older boy proved it every time he gave himself to darkness for him.




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