see, Christina has Basic Drawing on Monday nights. and i was gonna try to get my schedule switched around so i could take it with her. but i waited too long and its most likely filled up since all the later classes go first. but was too funny...
IxAutumnsFlamexI: monds and weds are gonna suck lol
TrckIs2KpBrthng: hehe u got late classes those days right?
IxAutumnsFlamexI: WAIT weds i have off
IxAutumnsFlamexI: i forgot lol
IxAutumnsFlamexI: monday i do
TrckIs2KpBrthng: u only have one class then?
IxAutumnsFlamexI: no i got off from work
IxAutumnsFlamexI: i still gots schoo
IxAutumnsFlamexI: i cant work till 3 on weds cuz i got class at 2
TrckIs2KpBrthng: ahh gotcha
TrckIs2KpBrthng: wait, what class do u have Wednesday?
IxAutumnsFlamexI: mcintosh/painter
TrckIs2KpBrthng: =-O
IxAutumnsFlamexI: poop?
TrckIs2KpBrthng: oh fuck! what teacher do u have?!
IxAutumnsFlamexI: um im not sure i know the class is 2-5
TrckIs2KpBrthng: and its Wed and its called McIntosh Painter?
IxAutumnsFlamexI: yup
TrckIs2KpBrthng: !!!!!!!!!!!!
TrckIs2KpBrthng: guess who has McIntosh Painter on Wed from 2-5? ;)
TrckIs2KpBrthng: ;adjsf;lajsdf;ljk!!!!
IxAutumnsFlamexI: WEHO
TrckIs2KpBrthng: weho?
IxAutumnsFlamexI: who* lol
TrckIs2KpBrthng: ME!!!!!!!
TrckIs2KpBrthng: i do!!!!
IxAutumnsFlamexI: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
TrckIs2KpBrthng: =D!!!!!!
IxAutumnsFlamexI: agagk3q2t r12
IxAutumnsFlamexI: yess!
TrckIs2KpBrthng: omg i can't believe this shit hahahaha
IxAutumnsFlamexI: WOOHOOO
IxAutumnsFlamexI: that is nuts lol
IxAutumnsFlamexI: omg i am so happy
TrckIs2KpBrthng: we were freaking out about Basic Drawing and we already have a class
IxAutumnsFlamexI: lol
TrckIs2KpBrthng: well wait...find out who ur teacher is
TrckIs2KpBrthng: i have Pustiak
IxAutumnsFlamexI: oh tru lol
TrckIs2KpBrthng: hahaha that's great =P
IxAutumnsFlamexI: is there anyway to look online at classes?
TrckIs2KpBrthng: i think so
TrckIs2KpBrthng: lol if u go to, its another school in Iowa i think called OCC
TrckIs2KpBrthng: hah
IxAutumnsFlamexI: haha
IxAutumnsFlamexI: oh im looking this up
IxAutumnsFlamexI: wow this is kewl
IxAutumnsFlamexI: lol
TrckIs2KpBrthng: the other OCC school
TrckIs2KpBrthng: ??
IxAutumnsFlamexI: no im looking upthe one for here
TrckIs2KpBrthng: oh ok lol
IxAutumnsFlamexI: ,olol
TrckIs2KpBrthng: =D!.......
TrckIs2KpBrthng: found it!
IxAutumnsFlamexI: WHERE
TrckIs2KpBrthng: he's the only teacher that does it at that time on that day!
IxAutumnsFlamexI: YAY!
TrckIs2KpBrthng: we have a fuckin class together!!!!
TrckIs2KpBrthng: =D!!!!!!
IxAutumnsFlamexI: OMG Y!@#!@2314213049123r5 ;we
TrckIs2KpBrthng: YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!
IxAutumnsFlamexI: WHEEEEEEEEEEEE@@@@!@!@!@!@
TrckIs2KpBrthng: i am friggin so damn exicted
IxAutumnsFlamexI: i cant wait to go to collefge lol
IxAutumnsFlamexI: we never had a class together other than lunch
TrckIs2KpBrthng: haha
TrckIs2KpBrthng: i know!
IxAutumnsFlamexI: hahaha
TrckIs2KpBrthng: dude! we can help eachother out!
TrckIs2KpBrthng: =D
IxAutumnsFlamexI: YES!! ! ! ! ! !
IxAutumnsFlamexI: that seriously is great
TrckIs2KpBrthng: ahhh i'm smiling so fuckin big right now lol
TrckIs2KpBrthng: this is so cool! =D
IxAutumnsFlamexI: me too lol
TrckIs2KpBrthng: hahahahaha oh wow this is awesome
TrckIs2KpBrthng: that's the only other class u have right?
IxAutumnsFlamexI: hell yea its weird how shit happens lol
IxAutumnsFlamexI: yea that and monday
TrckIs2KpBrthng: nice! =D
TrckIs2KpBrthng: see! now i don't have to rush and worry about switching my schedule
TrckIs2KpBrthng: =)
IxAutumnsFlamexI: hha
IxAutumnsFlamexI: if u got monday too tho that would be great lol
TrckIs2KpBrthng: haha yeah man
TrckIs2KpBrthng: but i might not since i waited too long to change it
TrckIs2KpBrthng: and also the night classes usually fill up too
TrckIs2KpBrthng: but hey, at least we have a definete one together!
IxAutumnsFlamexI: tru tru
IxAutumnsFlamexI: yes thats good
IxAutumnsFlamexI: well with that note im gonna go to bed cuz im tired
TrckIs2KpBrthng: alrighty
IxAutumnsFlamexI: im so happy and giddy i dont think i can fall alseep tho lol
TrckIs2KpBrthng: hahaha
TrckIs2KpBrthng: me 2 man, me 2! =D
WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! this is so kickass man hahahaha. ahhh yes, goooooood times indeed =D!