i have resorted to yet another survey

Apr 21, 2004 18:18

I see: this survey...
I need: to be doin my homework
I find: the more i try to be happy..the more not happy i become
I want: to go to a warm far away place with my friends, now!
I have: too many problems
I wish: people just werent so, unbearable
I love: a lot of things/people
I hate: the feeling that i cant change my imperfections
I miss: the blissful ignorance u have when ur little and nothing matters
I fear: being alone, becoming someone/something that i regret
I feel: confused
I hear: that bubbly sound on AIM
I smell: potpouri spray stuff
I crave: freedom
I search: for something that fills that part of me that feels empty, but im not sure what im searching for specifically

I wonder: why i feel like i need approval from everyone
I regret: i try not to regret a lot. i've learned from my mistakes, atleast i like to think i have

When was the last time you ...

Smiled?: when my dad came home
Laughed?: when katie called me earlier
Cried?: a few hours ago
Bought something?: umm..yesterday
Danced?: been a long time
Were sarcastic?: few minutes ago
Kissed someone?: hmm, thats been a while
Talked to an ex?: umm earlier today blake called
Watched your favorite movie?: i dont have one favorite movie
Had a nightmare?: last night

A Last time for everything ...

Last book you read: To Kill a Mockingbird, i've read it like twice. and im reading The Catcher in the Rye right now
Last movie you saw: some movie on comedy central
Last song you heard: Ocean Avenue
Last thing you had to drink: sweet tea
Last time you showered: this morning
Last thing you ate: chicken

Do You ...

Smoke?: no
Do drugs?: umm no
Have sex?: nope
Sleep with stuffed animals?: yes
Live in the moment?: i have a tendency of worrying about stuff that hasnt even happened yet
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: no
Play an instrument?: use to
Believe there is life on other planets?: sometimes
Remember your first love?: yes..but i dont believe it was really love
Still love him/her?: no
Read the newspaper?: occassionally
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: uh yes
Believe in miracles?: i suppose so
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: no, i mean, yes, u can be faithful physically. but everyone has thoughts about someone other than the person they're with atleast once during the course of the relationship. so it depends on what u classify as "faithful"
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: i really try to be. some people dont deserve tolerance
Consider love a mistake?: no..i think everything happens for a reason
Like the taste of alcohol?: does anyone?
Have a favorite candy?: Gum
Believe in astrology?: a little
Believe in magic?: nope
Believe in God?: i have my doubts
Pray?: not enough to talk about
Go to church?: sometimes
Have any secrets?: waaay too many
Have any pets: 3 dogs a cat (and my cats kittens)
Do well in school?: yea i manage
Go to or plan to go to college?: definitely
Have a major?: i have a few options
Talk to strangers who instant message you?: sure
Wear hats?: never
Have any piercings?: twice in my ears and my button
Have any tattoos?: not yet
Hate yourself?: no. i hate the way i am sometimes though
Have an obsession?: a have a few obsessive quirks that im sure are annoying
Have a secret crush?: umm maybe
Do they know yet?: probly not
Collect anything?: uuuh if shoes and such count, then yes
Have a best friend?: sure do
Wish on stars?: uuh yea sometimes, i dont think it has worked yet though..maybe im doin it wrong
Like your handwriting?: at times
Have any bad habits?: too many to list
Care about ur looks?: obsessively
Boy/girlfriend's looks?: yea to a certain extent
Friends and other people?: i love my friends for who they. its peoples business how they look. yes everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but its not my place to decide whether what another person is wearing is "good or bad"
Believe in witches?: i know some people think they're witches..
Believe in Satan?: Yea. he's probly my close relative. jk
Believe in ghosts?: yea..scary

Number of times I have been in love: i think i use to be just be in love with love
Number of times I have had my heart broken: i've been heart..but my heart hasnt been broken
Number of hearts I have broken: not sure..i'll give u the name of my ex's and u can ask them
Number of boys I have kissed in my life: uuhhh...i need time to calculate
Number of girls I have kissed: classified information
Number of continents I have visited: one, the one we're both on
Number of drugs taken illegally: are u a cop or somethin?
Number of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends: ummmm 3 maybe
Number of people from high school that I stayed in contact with: umm get back to me on this one in about uhh..3 years
Number of cd's that I own: who knows
Number of piercings: i already answered this question
Number of tattoos: answered this one too
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: maybe once
Number of scars on my body: too may. i wonder if u can get them removed
Number of people that has made me scared of what they could do to me physically: well pretty much anyone could hurt me physically
things in my past that I regret: kind already answered this question

this was probly the most boring survey thing i have ever filled out. whats my problem?
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