Today, the California Supreme Court upheld the rights of some to take away the rights of others.
I feel sick. I can't believe this was ever a vote in the first place. I can't understand how this is at all civilised.
Kathy Griffin did well when she said:
"I've got a few questions for those who supported Proposition 8. My question is a very profound one. What the [censored] is it to you?...Why are people in this state, when we have so many things on our plate, we have a fiscal disaster going on, why does anyone even wasting their time with this issue? Why does anyone even care if gay people get married?...You would never in a million years go up to a person of color and say 'well, you know I hear that Black people want to get married now. I mean, it's fine if they live together." You would cringe, would you not? 'I hear that Mexicans want to vote! There goes the neighborhood!' Right? It would sound absolutelly silly. And yet, across the state, people are having dinner conversations saying, 'well, do gay people really have the right to get married?' Yes! Domestic union, domestic partnership is not the same."
My reaction to this is unprintable, but I can tell you I sit in a state of outrage, nausea, and disbelief.