Dec 31, 2004 02:44
It's past 2:30am, and I'm kinda hyper. I had soem Coca-Cola, and I blame the caffeine. THE CAFFEINE!!!. That and the fact that later on today I will be completing my last shift at work and I will finally be unemplyed :D
The following is a hilarious conversation I had on and I am STU_BOI for those that don't pick up on that :p
«Topdick29» buddy u are fucking beautiful and i would give a weeks pay to fuck u
«STU_BOI» ummm... lol thanx
«Topdick29» like to snd u some pics of
«Topdick29» im 29
«Topdick29» 170 lbs
«Topdick29» black hair br eyes
«Topdick29» and into everything
«STU_BOI» I don't hook-up
«Topdick29» ok cool