Beauty In the Breakdown...

Dec 22, 2004 01:38

There's so many things running through my head right now...

1. Frou Frou's "Let Go" is one of the most lyrically and instrumentally perfect songs I have ever heard.
2. Work pisses me off a lot.
3. I wonder how my friend Jenny is doing in Costa Rica.
4. I made a new friend towards the end of the semester...and I hung out with her once watching Dazed and Confused...which I thoroughly enjoyed...but...I feel like I've been forgotten...I just don't know.
5. Ms. Prager really disappointed me on sunday when we didn't hang out...with no phone call or anything.
6. I really wasn't expecting my ex gf brooke to call me either on saturday to catch up either, but yet, I'm still somewhat saddened, when I shouldn't care at all. We dated almost two years ago...she's moving to Cali soon though, I guess I just want closure...but this is probably all the closure I'll ever get.
7. I do a lot at work...but damn...a raise or somethin' would be nice.
8. I met my boss's, boss's, boss today at work, George, the regional manager, who is Dawn's boss, our district manager, who is Doug's, Bonnie's, and Amanda's boss, our managers. He was a pretty cool guy.
9. Next semester, school will be all that's on my mind...I just hope I have a social life.
10. I don't know if Cassi is pissed or whatever at me, last time I saw her was at work, when she reiterated that I didn't call her on her b'day.
11. Sometimes, I'm so damn tired of people Flaunting how spoiled they are. They get everything they've always wanted...and for what? For barely lifting a finger compared to all that I do. I just hope it hits them hard in the future. When I look at all my possessions, I can be proud that I've worked and made money to buy them all, my books, my clothes, my computer, ...everything.
12. I saw Rachel Lane at work the other day...I hadn't seen her in a year or two...I used to totally crush over her too. She moved to Stafford and is still as awesome as can be. She deserves the best treatment anyone can offer her.
13. I saw Kat as well in work a few days ago. Ms. Kat Morgan, guitar player, artist, romantic, very intellectually's always a pleasure to see her. I feel like I've seen her grow so much, since she was a freshman.
14. I saw Donnie Darko again last night at Kyle' favorite movie. I don't really think it could ever get old, as long as I watch it with someone. It inspired me to download Joy Division "Love Will Tear us Apart"....awesome song, get it.
15. Jason got rear-ended a few days ago, but he's ok, which is cool. He backed into my car today though, heh, a pretty big scare, but no big damage. Shit happens, people make mistakes...I'm not fretting about it.
16. I was debating on going to JMU tomorrow to meet up with Brandon and Karolina for lunch...but now I have these shitty plans to get my car inspected and other crap.
17. I'm going to Colorado this friday...and I'm pretty excited...I haven't seen my mom's family in years... cuz they all live there. Maybe then I can really unwind and relax...and there's so much catching up to do.
18. I really hope I get a black suit for x-mas.
19. My dad and I actually had a heart to heart a few days was actually pretty cool...but tonight...I'm sick of him tonight...him bitching and mom always says I'm just like him...and I hate that thought. Everyone always grows up wanting to be a different person than their parents, but in some way or another they fail.
20. CrimsonRegret hasn't IMed me in forever it seems.
21. I need some Starbucks sometime soon.
22. Mazda RX-8's are the shit...
23. I need to learn how to drive stick.
24. Sparta is a decently good band...I think I'm beginning to like them.

Well....I've got tons of my mind...I'd just rather wake up tomorrow with a clean slate...and nothing to worry about. I must get my inspection, then price some stuff...then back home. I'm off tomorrow kids...hit the cell.
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