There is so much stupdity regarding and hatred of Obama that it reallys make me feel ill and ashamed to be an American. I cannot believe we have so many willfully stupid and hateful people. But these are the same people who got Dubya elected.
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I seriously can't believe all these hicks spouting anti-white stuff, claiming it's what Barack believes, even though not only has he never said anything of the like, but he's half white! He was raised by his white family! But he's gonna get dem cracka's! Doesn't this drive you insane???! He's a Christian as well, who was raised by ultimately non-religious parents! His dad wasn't a muslim--who he only saw a few times in his life at that!--he was an atheist! And this isn't shown in either of the videos, but people actually think Barack isn't even a citizen! When he was born in Hawaii, a few years after it became an official state. While it's !MCCAIN! who wasn't born in the US! He was born in Panama! And the senate did some legal twisting to declare him a "naturally born citizen." I love how these "good old fashioned values" folks support McCain's having dated a stripper, cheated on his wife, and then married said rich chick who is 27 years his junior. That's some keen "family values" if I ever saw 'em.
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And this is why we non-stupid people need to vote.