[Voice Post]

Oct 01, 2008 10:37

What has happened to the lake has me more interested than anything the girl may say. The scientists are purposely tight lipped, and this display of power means should anything untoward happen to her, they will act as they see fit.

The direct approach would, indeed, seem a dangerous gamble. If there are people here who wish to risk the well-beings of others, be my guest, but it is your own conscience that will carry the weight of the repercussions.

They won't help us, whether by request or force.

As of today, I return to my investigation.

I would like to get a sample of the lake water.

Movement in my upper left arm is limited. It also seems to affect my joints and forearm. It is possible...

~deep breath, exhale~

...It is possible the depth of the wound and infection may have caused permanent damage. If that is the case, when I return home, I will hand over the title of head of the Tachibana house to my oldest cousin.

If I cannot move my arms correctly, I cannot, in good conscience, succeed Grandfather.

I cannot...


Ukon please don't be silent...

lost something important, tired, no rest for the wicked, investimagating ur crimes, bravado, fucking scientists, miss my family

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