OOC: Port of Crossing World Info

Dec 01, 2020 09:23

World Name: Earth

Area: Aoyama, Tokyo, Japan

Description: Welcome to what is basically the suburbs of Tokyo, only with lots of historical stuff. Sakon's home, an old fashioned Japanese manor, is off the beaten path, nestled in some trees. But we don't care about some dusty old puppet troupe. Aoyama has a totes awesome shopping district, and it's a great area for the average tourist. Explore around, have fun, maybe find your way home if you can last that long without running into another portal.

Permanent portal location: One in the Aoyama Municipal Cemetary, another at the Wacoal Art Center. Several may pop up around the subway stations every now and then too.

Information link: Aoyama for reals man :V

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