
Mar 14, 2010 19:55

Work has been progressing at a slower-than-usual pace. While I got through the food shortage alive, I still constantly feel tired. It's probably a just a stubborn cold though. Still, I've managed to compile information from August of last year onward, picking up from here.

I heard about a boat being finished. When it takes off, would there be enough room for one more passenger?


1st - Broadcast by Channel 8 News:

"This is Michael Andrew here, reporting the weather forecast for the week. We should be expecting temperatures to drop down to the 20's and 30's- in the middle of summer? Really?- so I hope you all have something warm to wear. We also may experience, um... Snow!

... Snow?

Yes, it will be snowing. In the summer. And- "[The broadcast is cut off]

Weather becomes increasingly cold.

Snowfall begins and continues throughout the month.

31st - Snowfall stops.


8th - A heavy fog settles in over the city. A heavy sense of disorientaion is brought on by the fog. People get lost, and dead monsters are found.

This conversation holds some relevence.

15th - Skeletal zombies and undead nurses emerge from the fog. Yes it is very, very strange writing about zombie nurses. I'll be taking a break from this for a few minutes to try to comprehend the absolute absurdity of what I just put to words.


In any case, monsters emerge from the fog. The skeletal creatures I believe one person refered to as 'Redeads'. If in proximity, their screams can paralyze. Both monsters move at an extremely slow pace and are easier to avoid than to engage in combat.

17th - Fog and monsters clear.


5th - A group of people led by Prydain of Gohl House leave the city through the Dissimulo subway line. The subway line is apparantly littered with monsters. An observatory is discovered. No further information. Note: Request anything Prydain may have gathered in Dissimulo.

12th - Another group led by Reno, and including Edward Elric leaves Discedo for the Prison Camp.

Information collected by Edward Elric:

Written in the Green Sector:

"They say you do not need your name anymore
Your name is Green and that is all you need
to identify you
What is my name?"

Writings in various prison cells:

"Humans playing God.
It's despicable.
They call to other worlds for help
But it is too late for us now."

"Green is our name
That is our name
Green is our name
That is our name."

We're just guinea pigs to Discedo's and Accido's personal rivalry."

Recording Elric-san made of a video found in the prison camp. Note: this recording is not for those faint of heart.

[It's a video, taken from up high on the ceiling. The scene is what looks like an operation in progress. The girl on the lab table looks like Green. Her body has been cut open, organs all exposed. Definitely not for the weak of stomach. But Lolita watches it intently. The doctors seem to try different things, removing some organs and then putting them back. At one point, her head is cut open so they can experiment on her brain. Up until that point, she was conscious and screaming in pain.

The gruesome tape ends anti-climatically with Green being sewn back up.]

A letter:

"He did it. That bastard re______id it.

I know it was him.

T____aid it was an accident but it was him. He can't hide the truth. He kil_____y Lizzy. Took her away.



All gone."

Who is Lizzy?

Mr West is also aparantly involved.

14th - Those who still have their chips in began to lash out violently at both themselves and those close to them.

31st - Turned 19. Aging continues here as normal. In the past year and a half, I've grown two inches and I've managed to fill out too. No longer mistaken for a woman. A decidedly pleasant change.

Sweets and masks seem to have been distributed by scientists. Recieved a Hanya mask. Marshall was toilet papered, Latimer had baby dolls stuck to the wall in apparent homage to the incident with Walter Sullivan.

Increasing sense of being ill at ease throughout the day. Throughout the night, static from televisions and radios. Also several screams.


Missing dates 16th and 17th.


1st - 8th - Filters stopped working.


12th - Item Rain. Recieved sewing materials and food.


Around the 6th, heavy snows began causing damage throughout the city.

6th - Generator in the high school blew out. Stayed the night with Haruka-san and Kantarou-san.

7th - Horton sustained light damage from heavy winds, causing windows to break in. Marshall apartments had their pipes freeze and shatter, causing flooding and several cases of hypothermia, ranging from mild to fatal.

9th - Gohl house's roof caved in.

10th - Power outage causes small fire in the hospital. It is quickly contained.

People who died were not brought back within 24 hours. Supplies were not restocked throughout the city and monsters were scarce. Most were able to work together and there was minimal theft.

[ooc disclaimer: most of this is taken from the ooc timeline since I was on hiatus for several of the events.

time line, time to go back to bed, investimagating ur crimes

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