like you care to read all this...

Oct 09, 2006 11:20

This week was the autumn hols. Seeing it as I work[ed] in a kindergarden I still went to work. Untill wednesday. "Screw you mistar, your personality just doesn't fit into this kindergarden. Sure you're awesome with the kids, but this and this and this we don't like about your personality." This and this being the fact that I wash dishes/tidy up a bit slow. And I'm more of a playmate to the kids, than an adult that tell the kids not to eat dirt or lick icicles. Sure, we had already had a meeting about this, but this is my core personality I'm talking about here. It's not something I WANT to change. At least not to please those morons. The only bad thing is that I'll miss the kids. And I actually think the kids will miss me too.... dag namit, thinking about it makes me really sad.

So I'll go on to the latest happy event in my life. Which happened this weekend.

On friday I went into town to buy a black tee and vodka, and hang out with my friend Andrea. I met her at a movie theatre, where we also met David and Sebastian. I haven't met Sebastian before, but he's this short, argentine guy who's just SO huggable. ^_^ We discussed the concert we were all going to the next day and how silly the "zero" coke commercial is. Then we went to the wine monopoly to buy vodka. To my great amazement I found this wine that I had bought once before, back when I visited Scotland with my family. Now, I had searched for this wine before, but I hadn't found it. But then I did! I was so happy I called my mom, and aske dif she wanted a bottle as well, 'cause she too really likes that wine. You should all try it if you like red wine.. you should still try it even if you don't. =P The label is "Hardy's", it's an australian wine with a kangaroo on the bottle, and it's named "Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon".

After we had been to the winemonopoly we went to the Deichmanske Library to borrow books and CD's. I was lucky, and found a lot of cool electronica I hadn't really listened to before. There was this one CD in particular that seemed quite interesting. "Björn Torske - Nedi Myra [Down in the swamp]". Sadly, his music was a bit to monotone for my taste. However, the german electronica band I found did NOT disappoint me. "Appleton & Treu - Wünderbra!". Wonderful experimental electronica! If it's one thing the Germans CAN do [apart from killing off jews =P], is to make good electronica. Got one "Drömhus" CD, and one Chemical Brothers - Push The Button CD. After we had left the library we did a bit of aimless wandering and stopped by a pizza restaurant. Andrea didn't have very much money, and she was a bit tired, so we went back to her place to eat and rest. After having watched the 2nd season of "Black Books" it was time for me to leave. As I was riding the bus to the boat home Andrea phoned me, and said I had forgotten the tee I had bought earlier that day. "Shoot!" I had great plans for that tee, so I had to get back and get it. It was getting really late, so I had to sleep in her place.

After getting home the next day I came home I made my coolest tee so far [IMO]. It was a regular, worn out black[faded] tee which I painted a bouncing, white line on. Then I made these small red letters just above the line that said "RAMPESTREK". Rampestrek means "rascalline" if you translate it directly from norwegian to english. I love puns. =)

I went with my brother to Inga's place to drink and socialize before we were going to this concert at a club named Maiden. Now my friend place can only be described as one thing: AWESOME. Lots of paintings and pictures on the wall. Lots of colors and weird decorations and sculptures. I should try to get some pictures so you can all see how awesome it is. Anyways, I had a few shots of tequila and a bit of vodka, but not too much, because I was going to be my brothers legal guardian later that night when we were going to that club, 'cause he hasn't turned 18 yet [his b-day is on the 20th].

So me and my brother went there, and we hung out with a couple of friends that I had not seen in a long time [including, but not limited to: Tobias, Maiken, Dan, Maylén... and lots of other great people]. My absolute fav chip artist [or "This crazy dancing nintendo electro" according to him =] Binärpilot was going to perform that night, and I was so excited I just didn't know which leg to stand on. A lot of great arstis performed, and I met a lot of great people, and then FINALLY, Binärpilot came. His performance just can't be decribed with words... 'cause it was just BREATHTAKING. It's like his performances just gets better and better with each performance! This is the 3rd time I've seen him live... I wonder how awesome his performances will be when I see him for the 10th time!

Oh yeah, and I gave him this b-day card, 'cause he had just turned 24. This card was QUITE special. Some days ago I found a lolly in my room that had started to melt, so I opened it, and started licking it. Then I thought "hmmmh... melting lolly... perhaps one could paint with it?" And so I did. I painted a heart, burned the edges of the paper, and wrote on it with a silver marker. Another pun: the norwegian word for lolly is "kjaerlighet" which is also the word for love. So the card had a heart on it painted with love. =P

And now for something completely different: the rest of the story.

So each of the knights went their spearate ways.... no wait. That's another story. "Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever." Anyways, another really cool chip band came on: SMK. While others have this band as their favorite chip band I must say I like Binärpilot even better. One of the reasons is that SMK have 6 members, while Binärpilot is only ONE guy. And he STILL makes all those delightful noises all by himself.
This was the last band this evening, but me and some of my friends stayed and danced to the DJ's music. I danced a lot with Inga and Andrea that night. It was really nice. ^_^ Several good songs were played, like Fluke - Absurd [from the Tomb Raider soundtrack!
], Chemical Brothers - Hey Girl Hey Boy and many more...

I got one little "it's just a flesh wound" on my left hand figer and one bruise on my left lower leg. My elbow still hurts if I touch it.

The whole thing went on from 8pm to 3am. =D =D =D

As we were leaving the club we had in mind to walk all the way back to Inga's apartment. Mynd you, it's a RATHER long walk. But Inga's bf t3h pumpkin and picked us up with his car.

When we arrived at Inga's apartment we watched parts of "Lost Boys", but I was getting really tired at this point [it was past 4am, and I'm NOT a night person], so I slep through bits of it. We didn't watch the whole thing, because Inga and her boyfriend went to bed, and my other friends didn't think much of the movie, so they tured it off.

And that's it. Sunday was a day of recreation and rest, so I'm not going to write anything about that. =)

My b-day is on the 11th....

I LOVE MY LIFE!!!!!!!! =D

"That's all, folks!"

andrea, inga, konsert, musikk, maiden

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