(no subject)

Jul 17, 2006 15:49

Da jeg kom tilbake fra Skottland lovet jeg å skrive en ferie post. Det ga jeg faen i, og skrev en heller idag... på engelsk... i et annet forum. Jeg gidder ikke å skrive alt på nytt så jeg bare gjentar det jeg skrev. Bryr du deg så leser du [deler av?] det, eller så gir du faen. Begge deler er helt ok with me.

Ahh, I'm back. So far my hols has been awesomenessityish!!!

I'm going to write a Paddy-style essay about my hols, so if you don't like reading a lot of stuff you haven't been a part of, just skip it and welcome me back or something like that. :wink:

Yes, my grammar might not be 100% correct, but Idc, so don't bother making any comments on it. ;)

Fairly warned, ye be!

On the 23rd me and my family went to visit Scotland. We stayed in a really nice farmhouse near Newton Stewart and Whithorn [the place was called Brownhill] which lies in Dumfires and Galloway [?].

We went over there as tourists, so we rented a car. My dad actually handled the crazy "ooh-look-at-us-we're-so-special-we-drive-on-the-left-side-of-the-road" really well. After the second day of driving he drove around like a semi-scotsman.

The first day after we had arrived in Scotland we went to this amateur theatre called "Swallow Theatre". Before we went to Scotland, my mom mad talked to the leader of the theatre, and he told her he'd really like for us to come to their 10th anniversary party. That evening was a really great start on our stay in Scotland. There was a lot of eating and singing [some irish people had come there to play [they were really great]. We [our family] sang "The More We Are Together" in norwegian for them. Actually, a lot of the people tere didn't know that song. :? The people there were incredibly nice! :D

In the following days [we stayed in Scotland untill the 1st of July] we visited a bunch of castles [at one of the castles there was a semi-full scale model of a trebuchet. That was really awesome! B-)]. The place I found the most interesting was St. Ninian's Cave [sounds like "ninja", doesn't it? B-]. The cave had a lot of old carvings in it, and just outside the cave was a rocky beach. My mom is crazy about stones, so we collected a lot of stones while we were there. We also came back to the cave a few days after that. Me and my siblings took a bath while we were there. The water was really cold [16 degrees C/ 60.8 degrees F], because the Irish Sea came right in on the beach.

On the 1st of July we traveled back to Norway. On that day my mom's side of the family held their annual family reunion party. Those parties are always really cozy! :D I got stung by some kind of bee or something, tho. I've still got a scary, because I kept scratching it. I haven't been stung by a bee since I was 6 years old, and it really hurt. :(

After we had come home from the family reunion party I mostly stayed at home [I hung out with my friend, AD, on the 3rd]. On the 4th I took a craz... free train down to Kristiansand that a norwegian ice-cream company sendt down to the Quart-festival [a music festival that's being held in Kristiansand every year]. The concerts I was going to attend was on the 6th and 7th, so I stayed at my grandmothers house. I tells ya; she's got the most awesome property EVAH! :o

Anyways. The days came and went, and the 6th of July arrived. Mynd you, I went down to Kristiansand all by myself, so I didn't have anyone to go to the Quart-festival with. But fate had an ace up it's sleeve: I met my old best childhood friend, David, there! :dance: Sadly, I got to know that he had turned emo, but still... it was really great to meet him there. :P First we went to see Extol [a christian thrash metal band]. They're Davids old fav band. I didn't like them too much. They had a really skilled drummer, tho. After that we went to see Infadels. David had read about them on the internet, so he wante to check them out. They had an AWESOME live performance! :o After having danced to their msuci for a while we went to see Blindside. They were really ok, and the vocalist was quite cool. I mentioned earlier that my friend had turned emo, so of course he had to see Death Cab For Cutie. I don't like them, but I tagged along anyways. After their concert was finally over it was still 2 hours left untill Depeche Mode was going perform, so we had something to eat while we waited. Satyricon was going to perform an hour before Depeche went on, and I kind of wanted to see them, because they're hillarious [come on, every black metal band that takes themselves seriously are so pathetic it's drop-dead hillarious! xD], but I also wanted to get a good spot for Depeche, so we played the waiting-game instead. Depeche went on, and it was really cool. Their concert was really long and awesome, and they even came back on after the concert to do extra numbers. They did "Leave In Silence" and a lot of other Depeche classics in their extra number. :D

Concert of the day: Infadels. For their really awesome show and their extremely good dancing-music.

On the 7th David was going to attend some other festival, so I was on my own again. My cousin came with his gf, but they had to leave after we had watched some lousy punk band called Bonk because he had forgotten about an appointment he had with his boss. But then came The Cat Empire and saved the day. Their vocalist was awesome, they had a really awesome piano player, and the whole concert was just totally groovy. Later on came Gogol Bordello. Now, this was when the festival really peaked for me. Gogol Bordello describe themselves as a "gypsy punk band", and boy did they live up to that. Their show was... amazingreaterrific! Some cute chics bouncing around on the stage banging some big drums, when the vocalist didn't sing his tounge was mostly outside of his mouth, and the fiddler... you know how fiddle bows are made out of hair from the tain of a horse, right? After the concert was over, more than half of the hairs were torn apart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, for the first time ever there was a mosh pit in the festival! And the people who know me in person knows that me and mosh pits = a little kid and the greatest piece of candy in t3h world!!!! I moshed so hard I almost puked! I swear, I tasted a piece of heaven right there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o "Best mosh pit evvrrr!" [quote Comic Book Guy]. In the pit I met a couple of punk guys from Arendal I hung out with later on when the main attraction of the day was going to preform: Flogging Molly! Now, the mosh pit on this concert was ruined a bit by those bare-chested [insert cuss word of choice here] who always attend big metal/punk concerts that doesn't have any idea what moshing is. But still, it was Flogging Molly! This was also their first concert ever in Norway, so that was really cool! :D The only bad thing was that Flogging Molly's concert was a bit short. But hey, most of them are older than my dad, so...... :lol:

Concert of the day: Do I even have to tell you? Gogol Bordello, of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best concert evvrrr: Gogol Bordello

*takes a deep breath*
I'm not going to wirte a lot about what happened in the following week. My family came down to my grandmothers house on the 7th. Oh, one thing worth mentioning is that I hung out with John, a pro juggling friend of mine from the US [he always ends his shows saying "If you did like my shows, my name is John, if you didn't my name is George W. Bush" :P], after the Flogging Molly concert was over. During our stay at my grandmothers house my parents had a gathering with some old friends which was really cozy too.

On the 16th I went back to Nesodden [the place where I live] to attend AD's summer party. Those parties are always really awesome, and this one was no exception. :D I must've had almost a full bottle of vodka that night... I might have had something else as well, but I don't remember.... B-)

When I came home the day after the party I slept, watched my "Biker Mice From Mars" VHS, ate pizza and played "Fallout: Tactics". B-)

"That's all, folks!"

Alle bør sjekke ut The Cat Empire, Gogol Bordello og Infadels!

Det sugde at du tagga på buksa mi, Inga...

fest, ad, farmor, musikk, festival

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