Jan 05, 2006 14:26
Jeg gidder ikke nå skrive alt dette her på nytt på norsk så jeg bare kopierer det fra klan forumet mitt [hvor vi har en prest som administrator. Derfor - ingen banning. =P]:
"After I started school this autumn I've started getting a bit grumpy. Especially to my famliy. They kept on nagging about it, blaming it on the places I go to and my friends, and me not being a Christian anymore. And I get really angry with them because I KNOW that isn't the reason for it. I just couldn't figure out WHY.
Last night I think I found out. I've had this thought in my head for a long time, but I never thought that it could be the reason for my misbehaviour. But last night it was crystal clear to me: it was the school I go to that made me angry/grumpy. DON'T GET ME WRONG!, I really like my classmates, and most of the teachers are really ohK. But the reason why I misliked school is because IT DOESN'T GET ME IN THE DIRECTION I WANT TO GO.
Why do you go to school? So that you can go to college/uni later on to study for you future education. But WHY the *cuss word* can't you start studying from the very start instead of learning all that bullcrap you'll NEVER EVER need later on in your life? My future plans is to work in a kindergarden or some other kind of work where you help people in some way. Name ONE situation where I'd need 2nd degree equations or knowledge about the great [dead] Norwegian authors????? JUST ONE! HOW THE *cuss word* WILL THAT MAKE ME MORE CAPEABLE OF HELPING OTHER PEOPLE?????? Isn't it me that's the important tool when [b]I[/b] am going to help other people. Sure, a first aid course would help, but then I'd need to study. But again, why would I need to know about 2nd degree equations or knowledge about the great [dead] Norwegian authors to study for a first aid course? WHY???? I'll tell you why! Because this *a lot of cuss words* system we're in thinks it knows what's best for us... DIE SYSTEM, DIE!
Another sickening thought about education: why would I start studying? To get more knowledge about how to help other people? Cool! To get a better education. UNCOOL! Why would I want a better education? To earn more money! If I had a teachers education while working in a kindergarden I'd earn more money. But why would I want that? Because I'm greedy! Because I want a bit of luxury in my life. Sure, I could say it's the money AND the fact that I'd be able to be a teacher for the little kids....
It's amazing how little money is needed to survive.
I'm not saying you shouldn't teach the kids. The little kids needs to be taught about things. But the system is forgetting about one important lesson: the lesson about how to be human. How to CARE for other people. How to HELP other people. Not through finacial support, but through YOU. By using YOURSELF to help other people. Sure, a bit of money that you have earned at your well-paid job [yea, WELL PAID! Dead Kennedy's got this song called "Holiday in Cambodia". There's a line in that song that goes "You work harder with a gun in your back for a bowl of rice a day". Think about that!] would help those starving kids in *whatever country*. But you kow what would help them more? YOU being there in person, showing them that you REALLY care. Helping them with their housebuilding. Helping them when they're laying down drains for their new water system.
^sikkert lassevis med gammatiske feil inni der, men jeg gir faen.
Så dette betyr at sjangsene er store for at jeg slutter på skolen for å finne noe nyttig å gjøre. Har jo lenge tenkt på det å jobbe i barnehage. Pappa nevnte frivillighetssentralen. Kanskje det. Og han nevnte Frelsesarmeen. Kanskje IKKE det! =P Jeg tror foreldrene mine veldig gjerne vil at jeg skal gå tilbake til å være den kristne Danielen som jeg pleide å være... =Z No fucking way, Hosé! =0