Oct 04, 2004 13:37
holla! haha j/k...so i haven't updated in a while, i know, i know, and i'm sure the people are just lining up to read this eh? Haha not really...but anyways here's a brief update of all the areas of my life...
Good good, i just went to Virginia and saw all my old friends from there, man was that fun! lots of partying and shit like that, and then i got back here and realized i have lotsa friends here too :) yay for friends :)
Tim and i are still going great! we're doing good, sometimes we fight but for the most part it isn't really fighting it's more that one of us hurt the other one, so more of an emotional arguement then a fight i suppose...on Thursday is gonna be 3 months officially :) wow...good for me! i love him :)
Aboslutely shitty! I've been trying to do this "break away from mom paying for everything" and man is it hard...i've been getting more hours at the rec center, but i swear i can't get ahead...it's so hard to balance a love life, like do things like go out on dates and such, and still pay your bills...i suppose i have to decide which part of my life is most important...or prioritize...i just wanna not have debt anymore :)
Marni moved in my hosue from Virginia, her, her two kids, and her dog...whoa there are SO many fucking people in my house...like i can't turn around without someone being there..it's terrible, so i try to stay away from home as much as possible, and peoplea t home bitch at me cuz i'm always out..well what the fuck do they expect me to do? sit at home...i think not...anyways, having marni at the house isn't that bad, cuz i get to talk to her about anything and thats nice...we talk all the time, so i have a great listener and shit...and her and i are way closer than any of the other siblings which is good too...so i'm half and half about her moving in...it's hard, but i'll deal cuz it's for a good reason :)
Anyways, got to go to class :( AHHH