Okay, that said. Here are a couple of lists... and then a bit of an essay-ish, canon-pimping thing for some of the better characters from My Life In Blue. Even all the less beautiful (by comparison, mind!) ones will get a mention, because. Marius needs his "geeks, freaks, and drama-of-the-weeks" in camp already.
People Marius would like to see in camp, in order!
1. Simon
2. Alex
3. Mordred
4. Sarah
5. Vincent... wait, no, that's just the mildly sadistic tendencies talking!
Characters that the mun would love to see... pretty much in order.
1. Simon
2. iddy
3. Vincent
4. Mordred
5. ...possibly Alex
Now for short character things. Only not so short for my more favorite ones, ahaha FAIL.
Oh, Simon, Simon, Simon.
In love with Marius for a while, Simon was nevertheless professedly straight, until he started dating Alex (at which point he still identified himself as being "mostly heterocentric"). He is very flakey, an environmentalist, probably the most cheerful person ever, "loves mispronouncing French class," is at least a semi-talented musician and actor.
He is also very accepting of Marius being transgendered. He knows about it, and he actually thinks of Marius as male despite of it, and hyperactively
debated the hell out of a teacher who called Marius an "it."
The bottom line is, Simon is eager and wonderful and friendly and well-meaning and like a little puppy who you should never, ever kick. And in case there's any debate: no, the manatee thing can never be overplayed.
Well, he's the main character of MLIB 1.0, though 2.0 seems to have switched overseas to Marius, Iddy, and James.
This is a good picture and short description; as the main character for most of the comic so far, I'm sure you can find stuff on him yourselves.
Interesting to note, however, is the fact that he is the only boy Marius has ever canonically chosen to make out with. And Marius apparently keeps in contact, via phone calls, even after he's gone off to college. They're pretty close friends; in Zan's own words, "he really misses Alex" while off at college.
(Alex also has
some wacky touch issues, which Marius is actually beginning to notice in Enjolras, whut.)
Mordred is also goth, but he's way more fun than even that implies. He's
quite attractive, but is kind of
flakey in the mental department. I have also never seen him emo, angst, or anything of the kind. He is usually one of the more cheerful characters in the comic.
Given all of this, plus the occasional
randomness of his thoughts, Mordred would probably be the most fun character to play, ever.
(Mordred also
may or may not be dating Sarah, but he probably is.)
Sarah is a goth, and with a
rather upbeat personality. She looks on the bright side, loves acting, and loves poking fun at her friends. She thinks she's dating Mordred,
and she may be right.
Not a very major character, she seems sweet,
charming, intelligent, and a very good actress. She's less developed than the other characters. There's a good picture of her (and Simon, ex-boyfriend whut)
One of the more fun characters, Vincent is
very dark and
sarcastic. He has literally been violently ill because someone implied he was dating a woman. (This led to his
kissing Marius by mistake, which was hilarious, but I digress.)
He would probably be wonderfully amusing to play; I'd pick him up myself if there weren't, like, three characters who have priority just now. XD
Alex's best friend and Vincent's roommmate, as near as I can figure she is a slightly offbeat college student, a
hairdresser (yes, that's her!), and quite possibly part of a hit-and-switch seduction team with Vincent.
Also, this is characterization for both Alison and Vincent, but...
this looks like way too much fun.
Marius's girlfriend... or, in camp continuity, ex-girlfriend. She's apparently sweet and cuddly, and more intelligent than April at least, but she's also
quite the oblivious girl.
There are no words.
He and Mordred are
like big, stupid peacocks. And their respective Prom dates made out. That's all we really know about Adrian.
There are a couple more, like the Alliance teacher, Lee, and "Vincent's personal witch" whose name I've forgotten, but they're really minor characters, showed up once or twice and basically got forgotten about. (Not that this wasn't the case for Adrian, but he was more fun.)
Not much is known about Marius's parents, except for
his father's views on "retards, womenfolk, and queers," and the fact that his parents are probably the only people in the world who can get him to
emo like a Gundam pilot.
Honestly, I'll have to do an entire writeup on how I see Marius's relationship with his parents someday, because it's way more complicated in my head. In short, it seems like his parents love their daughter and support "her" very much in "her" chosen art profession, and are very proud "she" got into college early and so on and blah. Whereas Marius just stresses about the fact that they don't see him as male, and can't, and--probably for both social and religious reasons--would denounce him if they knew he was transgendered. So while they love him in their ignorance, he goes out of his way for them to never find out and cuts all ties with them as much as he can.
Yeah, MLIB 2.0 takes place at Marius's college in London. His dormmates include
James (who is very gay and has wonderfully bad fashion) and
iddy (an up-and-coming pop star; yeah, it's supposed to be lowercased). iddy is probably the most interesting new character, what with his ability to... make random purple stars float around him, okay what? (That's the most recent comic, I'll link to it when it becomes... not. XD)
There's also
a girl who lives
downstairs, about whom we know nothing, including her name. More details to come...?
...I just went through the entire comic again, backwards, to make this writeup thing. Special.