Jul 05, 2008 23:09
I just had to spend way too much money on a new laptop.
Yes, I "had" to. I have to have something that runs Windows in order to use the software for taking my finals at DePaul. The problem is that I didn't want something Windows based, because I would have a hard time linking it up with my iMac (who is the love of my life). My solution was to buy a new macbook, which has a program called "Boot Camp" that enables a Mac to run Windows. I can take my exams using Windows (of which I now have to buy a copy) and then ignore it for the rest of the time in favor of Mac-y goodness.
So now I have a perfectly good iBook looking at me like it did something wrong and I don't love it anymore. It is a great laptop and hopefully I can find it a worthy home (via Craigslist) in Chicago.
I was on the fence between shelling out for the macbook (because, oh, the things I could have bought with that money...like an 10 year supply of Ramen), but what pushed me over the edge was that the Apple store is offering a free ipod Touch with the purchase of any new Mac. Now I'll have all the cool parts of the iPhone minus the stupid phone part. Awesome.