Jun 21, 2008 10:49
Most teachers at DePaul post their syllabi well in advance (i.e. now) of the first class meeting because you're supposed to be ready to go on day one. Lovely.
I don't know who I'll have (because 1Ls don't get to pick their own classes. Again, lovely.), but I do know which courses I'll have (prepare to be thrilled: Civil Procedure, Constitutional Process 1, Contracts 1, Torts, LARC 1 (LARC is a writing class)). I was checking out a syllabus for Contracts, and Dude purposely made the reading assignments short and offers a take-home final.
Now I begin praying to the Law Gods that I get this teacher. I know a take-home law school final would probably be, like, 80 pages long and incredibly hard, but I would still rather have that than the, "well, know everything that has been said in class or in your book" approach.