[virus; what's to come; video]

Aug 14, 2009 11:35

[A graveyard. It's the perfect and most ironic place for a soldier to die. Or course, that death couldn't come quick enough for Old Snake. His grip was shakey and he was unsure of whether or not he could pull the trigger. Not because of self doubt, but because of athritis. Being diseased came at a price; he wasn't the man he used to be.]

[This graveyard was familiar in many ways. It was where Big Bosses memorial had been, and prior to that, where The Boss had been burried. Snake was only aware of her from the information of Mission Snake Eater had leaked out and became avaliable to the public. It was a side of his father he had never known.]

[The end was nigh. Snake's hands began to shake as he slid the nozzle of the gun into his mouth, squeezing his eyes shut.]

[This was it. This was the end.]

[A gunshot.]


[Snake dropped his gun, falling forward onto his old hands. Sweat trickled down his face as he panted. That hadn't been his gun.]

[A figure nearby.]

It's been a long time, Snake.

[Snake felt himself go static. His head raised, uncertain of that voice. That voice.]

... Big Boss.

virus, ic

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