Dec 30, 2008 00:43
- 06:54 MOTHER*explicative* I forgot my earbuds at home today. Today is going to suck. #
- 07:21 @ dragoncub You know, I tired that once, but then I forgot the other pair for when I'm out and about. #
- 07:57 Got a new background from Twitbacks. Kinda snazzy. #
- 08:00 The first person I followed on Twitter was @drewdomkus. #firstfollow #
- 08:25 @ natalidelconte I disagree. You're only a poser if you flaunt it and/or have your nose stuck up in the air. #
- 08:27 @ natalidelconte If you're hard at work or just leisurely reading, you're not a poser. #
- 09:14 Just took my 28th mugshot! #
- 09:40 Someone just messaged me about Nakia's song "Remember This Christmas". Have you downloaded it yet? #
- 11:12 Google Reader Share: When will Windows 7 ship? My prediction: April 2009 #
- 11:44 "As long as he doesn't say 'Hulk smash' or the like we should be fine" "TAUREN SMASH!""Damn it. HEALS ON THE MAIN TANK!" #
- 12:34 Is there such thing as Passive Aggressive Volunteering? I think I just did it. #
- 12:44 Google Reader Share: Near-final Windows Live Essentials suite released #
- 13:21 You know it's a good jingle when it gets STUCK IN MY FEAKING HEAD! *sings to himself* Audible! Over 50,000 books. Audible! #
- 14:37 @ acedtect Think of it this way. Blizzard would never turn you down and that's more important. #
- 14:49 @ nard HAHAHAHHAAHA! *falls over laughing* That #
- 14:49 . . . . is hilarious. #
- 14:51 I think Co-worker bear is starting to grow back his beard. I sure hope so at least. #
- 14:52 I've been very expressive today #
- 15:06 @ utgummybear Being Expressive? Maybe. @sean808080 Hmm, Lust, I think. If you're thinking of the beard thing. #
- 15:21 *points and laughs histerically* #
- 15:24 Now this is just silly: #
- 15:45 I think after Icecrown, I'm going to unplug for a week. You think I can do it? #
- 17:08 Time for the Daily Grind. #
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