Dec 28, 2008 00:46
- 09:24 Just took my 27th mugshot! #
- 10:31 Doing Dailies again #
- 15:24 @ utgummybear awe. I'm sorry. *hugs* #
- 17:06 Dude, I'm busting down elites! This rocks! #
- 17:41 Grr, I there's a bug with the Zul'Drak quest achievement. Have you seen this @extralife @randydeluxe? #
- 19:18 I need a bigger Hard Drive #
- 19:23 *sings* all I want for Christmas is a bigger hard drive. A bigger hard drive, A bigger hard drive. . . . #
- 19:29 @ FagFanRoy I suppose my ultimate Christmas present is my BFback. #
- 19:42 He passed due to complications from his fight with cancer. was the blog I had set up. #
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