Nov 04, 2007 00:27
Fa'afafine (fah-fah-fee-neh) is a Samoan word which literally means "like a woman". A fa'afafine is identified as a male who takes on the identity of a female. They decide whether or not to wear female clothing, shoes, and/or cosmetics. Their female-like actions and behavior is the dominant factor in identifying them as fa'afafines. Most fa'afafines feel that they are real women trapped in a man's body. They reveal their "true" identity using their chosen , exotic "stage" names, beautiful hair styles, and finely shaved and decorated faces, and are always up for challenges.
My fa'afafine friends do not consider themselves to be gay. Through my literature review, I found this to be true for many of them. Fa'afafines strongly feel that "Gay behaviors are different from their own - they consider themselves female and believe that the men who have relations with them also see them as females. Gays are straight men seeing other straight men" (Poasa, p. 47). As said earlier, fa'afafines strongly believe that they are real women trapped in a male's body.
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