Mar 22, 2007 10:22
Leave your Profit Thing-a-thon Prompts Here
I'll start: Profit/Gail, sports car.
So here's how it works. We'll be soliciting prompts from now until April 1. Then I'll make a list of prompts. Then you sign up for a prompt, and I'll put your name next to the prompt. That doesn't mean two people can't use the same prompt, but it's nice to know if someone is already doing something for it. Stories/art/vids will be due by May 1 (you know, or thereabouts), but can be posted any time between April 1 and May 1.
Prompts should be of the format: [Character(s)], [Fandom(s), if crossover], [some phrase or sentence to get the muse working], [anything else you want]
It's as simple as that. Pairings are not necessary, but certainly encouraged. Go crazy! Suggest as many prompts as you want! You can suggest prompts even if you don't intend to write/draw/vid.
mod announcement,