Jul 17, 2007 15:00
So, they found a pain killer and Xanax in Nancy Benoit. Both were at a prescribed level. They found Xanax in Daniel Benoit. It was at an elevated level and showed that he was probably sedated before being killed. They found a pain killer and Xanax in Chris Benoit. Both were at a prescribed level. The only other thing they found in Benoit was testosterone which appeared to be at a prescribed level for possible testicular problems. But there were no other steroids found at all in his body. So, you know what the media is doing? They are bending over backwards now to still try and paint it as a steroid problem. Even the medical examiner was like "No, the testosterone really wasn't significant here." The media is bound and determined to make this a "steroid crime." Wow. What a bunch of idiots.
EDIT: I'm reading news articles about it and there are reports that Benoit had "9 times the amount of testosterone in his system than the average male." They are totally distorting the fact that the medical examiner said the level has absolutely nothing to do with the steroids in his system. It only means that they were in his system. These people are fuck nuts.