Snow is coming

Dec 04, 2003 23:12

Today at school. Another typical gay ass school day. Started off with chemistry. If boredom could kil you, I would have been dead a while ago. Then it was homeroom time. Dan Quinn and I talked about black people...interesing.

west civ, english.
gym-oh boy. I NEVER do SHIT in gym class. Today we played basketball. correction. THEY played basketball, I stood around and got yelled at becuase I dont move around enough. Fuck that. My teacher was like "its not a game unil chad makes a basket" and i said "this will never be a game then." asshole. they gave me the ball EVERYTIME. I purposley dropped it, gave it away, or missed on purpose.

Religion-yes, I have to take religion.
spanish- m spanish teacher thinks shes a rapper. sheesh.

free-chilled with folks.
geometry- Goheen made knee jerk reactions, chubby-china-men, and flipped out about a chem quiz.

free- the best part of the day. I have last period free with all my friens while everyone else is in class. fags. we went to the lounge, played guitar, and some kid argued with me about the skill of the Used band members. are you kidding. His ass got bitched. best beieve.

Home-spaces, dinner, spaces again with liz and marina and spaz, nicole comes over, we go over MB's, nicole and I leave. then i go home.

Im not doing any homework, not that i usually do. I hope it snows alot, and lots of ice.

i love you!
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