FiRECRACKER4455:The aura of your tennis racquet makes me smile

Oct 12, 2003 01:38

^thats kait talking about some "people" we know...i have people in quotes because im really not sure if they're human.

I haven't updated in a bit. so lets start off with Monday.

Monday- school

Tuesday- more schooling

Wednesday- even more schooling

Thursday- toooo much schooling

Friday- finally, the schooling ends

Friday (4-12)- I got home from school a little late- around 4:30, and by that time space is calling me and telling me to get my ass down to her house. I get home and get dressed and such, and leave. Her, marina, and I hung out at MB's house while she was sleeping. They found an-- interesting book. It was about the woman's body. hahaaaaaaa. good times with that thing. We try to wake MB up, but no, she becomes and angry beast and starts screaming. So we decide that were gna leave because Liz wants to meet us up at CMS. MB finally gets up, takes a shower, and we head out. She wants me to give her a piggy back ride, which i do. I tell her its time to get down after a couple minutes, but she fails to put her legs down, so we both slam into the ground, but she laughs as i bleed. aaaah! So space got me some dinosaur kids bandaids. (: Off to CMS we go...

So we walk up to CMS. At first, we can't find Liz or Hilary or Ashley. We eventually do though.Liz was smoking a tampon. We all just hang out in the woods and throw sticks and scream and thats it. Phil was there with a bunch of people. always bummin fugs. haha. While were at CMS we decide to make another obstical course. So Liz and Space throw HUGE sticks across the road. Just to let you know, its dark outside and no one can see infront of them or their cars. So one car hits the big ol' stick, and it gets demolished. hahaha. So now they decide to put another, and this time on our side of the road. So one car goes around it. The next car doesn't, and this guy sees the stick. uhhh ohhh! He gets out of his car, and goes "HEY YOU KIDS STOP RIGHT THERE." hollllyy shiiiittt!!! We start walking really fast down the street. This mother fucker starts running after us! So Hilary goes " I dont know about you guys, but i think im gna run now!" So she and I and everyone else take off. Liz and stacey run in someones backyard, so we follow. It had a trampoline. hahaa. So the coast is clear, so we walk back to MB's. I saw my mom on the way, so i went in and ate some.

Back at MB's everyone is already there so i walk in and go upstairs. They were showing Liz hilary and ashley the sex book. HAHA!!!! Then brad came, so we all go downstairs and chill. We watch some shit on tv, then go outside. Were all just hanging in brads truck and all that good stuff. "FUGS DOWN!" thats all i have to say about that. hahahahahaaa. Then we prank call LOTS of people. Brad pretends to be someones father, a trans-sexual, and other things. I pretend to be a gay guy. Hilary pretends to be a grandmother HAHAHA. and Liz pretends to be...herself. haha. It was great. Then Stacey Brad and MB went to get some food at Wendys.

When they left, liz, hilary, ashley, rina, and i go over to rinas house. Liz calls some girl named Hannah and she gets a ride over here. Then i did my booty shake for them. hilary and liz just thought it was the greatest thing in the world, so hilary took a picture. hahahhaaa! Then brad space n mb get home with some food. I got some fries mmmMmmmmMmmMmmM. So we go back to MB's and eat and chill. Then staceys aunt comes by... dun dun comes trouuuuubllleeee.

Her aunt drops off staceys cousin Tina at MB's. Spaces aunt is really really really drunk, and shes driving with 2 little kids in the car. Thats just ridiculous. Staceys cousin is pretty scared. So after that her aunt comes back..still drunk. She thinks were having a party and that were all smashed. Ummm isnt that you lady? yeah it is. So staceys aunt starts screaming at stacey to get into the car. Stacey refuses of course, we arent drinking or smoking, there is no party, and there is no reason to get into a car with a drunk. So her aunt says shes calling the cops. Which she sorta does, because she told the neighbors too, and they did. Fucking assholes. Then her aunt leaves again. Space starts crying, everyone freaks, runs to marinas, and yea. Soon MB's sisters come home, because MB called them because staceys aunt goes out with their uncle so they know shes crazy. When they get home Megan i think it was slapped MB in the face. So they go inside. Then ashley leaves. Then Chris comes by in his hot ass van. Liz, hilary, and hannah get a ride home from him. Then Brad leaves. Then ryan dotson rides by so space rina and i talk to him for a couple, then here comes mr copper. First he just sits there and listens to us talk. Then he rides on up and Space gets defensive with him and it kinda pissed him off. pssst.Then Megan and MB come over and talk to the cop and make things nice. Then the cop leaves. Then MB leaves, and shes not aloud to come to her own house all week because her mom is really pissed. Then Theo and Mike come out with ryan , then kyle came out, then theo mike and ryan left, then we all went inside. What a night.

Saturday- I woke up at 1. Went to Spaces. Hung out. Went to the gay ass community party. Hahaha. gay.Then i just chilled with space and rina for the rest of the night. Now im here.


yet another lengthy beast...sorry :X
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