Aug 02, 2007 16:03
Except for like, yeah, important things I suppose, like sitting in my kitchen drinking juice and swapping tales with Estefania. Good to see the emails from my boyfriend at the time calling me a bitch. That rocked.
I’m hurt. I want to cry because the very first person (aside from William) in the entire country of Guatemala that I trusted, ended up being the absolutely least trustworthy person I have ever met. At least Tom was upfront about being a prick. I’ve never had someone deceive me like this before.
I don’t even want to talk about it. It just seems like a waste of my time.
Anyway, allow us to move on.
Today began at the suckily early hour of 5:45. I sincerely considered not going to my 7:00 class, but like a good little nerd I marched myself to the shower and left the house 10 minutes earlier than usual. Actually got to class on time; figures that today my prof didn’t show up, so I couldn’t even impress her the one time I’m not late. Her auxiliar informed us that we would be forming political parties.
Oh, I forgot to tell you about the Mean Girls. There are 3 of them. There is a Regina, who we call “Canchisima” (very very blonde one), a Gretchen (she even has the same effing nose!) and a Karen (who always has a clueless look on her face). It’s basically priceless. They even interact like the Mean Girls in the movie. They aren’t mean girls, though, they are actually very nice. But yeah, I was in their group on Tuesday for a worksheet (Just call me Cady….I’m the smart, foreign one) and then today we had to pick political party groups.
It was a very Mean Girls moment. They had assembled their group: Gretchen, Karen, and an Honorary Mean Girl. Regina hadn’t come to class that day, but she's in, too. Obvi. And then they looked at me, and motioned me over. And I lamely looked over my shoulder and then asked them if they were talking to me. And they were. And I walked over and sat down while this other girl who didn’t have a group just kind of watched me in awe. But again, they are Nice Girls, not Mean Girls, even though in every other way save bitchiness, they fit the profile. Besides the 5 of us, Tito also came over. So that’s our political party. Tito named me Tribunal of Honor or something equally as pure and sweet, and proclaimed himself President. I think we are screwed because he is running on the platform of “La maestra me quiere” and wants to name our party PPP (Partido Políto de Putas o algo así, I don’t even know). Overall, good group. Fun times.
From there I decided I didn’t want to go to my pysch class (sorry, I love psych, but 3 periods of review from my high school psych class 3 years ago is boooooring sometimes) so I spent the first 25 minutes in the cafeteria bullshitting with Ruiz. Then wandered into class, discovered I am lucky; the prof hadn’t even shown up.
Then Estefania picked me up with her friends, nearly killed the 4 of us by driving like a maniac in some traffic from hell, went for matching breakfast sandwiches at McDonalds, then to her university, where we hacked, with difficulty, into her computer account so I could work on my biology report. The result of that well-spent time was an entry here, and like half an introduction paragraph on my report. I suck at life. From there she came to drop me off, we ended up chatting for an extended period of time; her friend invited us for coffee but I was planning on working/taking a nap before my taller and it was 3 so I said no. She left half an hour ago and I am continuing to suck at life and write here instead of sitting my ass down and working, or at least sleeping.
Schuster still hasn’t gotten back to me about where the hell this movie thing is supposed to be tomorrow; I’m weighing the pros and cons of just sleeping tonight as soon as I get back from the taller, doing the report tomorrow or something, and not bothering to show up on campus at all.
Note to self: do ciencias sociales essay. Don’t forgettttttttttttttttt.
Tjark comes home tonight. Thank fucking Christ, I have no idea how I got through this fucked-up week without him.
I am so effing tired.