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Feb 07, 2006 09:56

Well. I have officially attended all of the classes I'm taking, as of this morning.

  • Intro to Music; 8-9AM
    Yesterday we learned about time signatures, tempos, how to read music, etc. [...] Oh my good god. I hope after we've covered the basics behind "Musical Elements" I'll actually learn something.

  • Macroeconomic Analysis; 8-9:30AM
    Today was my first day. I think with the help of smart computers and Excel Spreadsheet, it should be relatively easy to understand. We did our entire homework assignment (due in one week) in class. All I have left to do is write a paragraph ("one line... maybe four..") of the data in the table. Very cool.
  • Intro to Environmental Studies; 9:40-11:10AM
    Class was canceled today, but last time we discussed various "Environmental Issues" that we wanted to cover (basic stuff like pollution, global warming, etc). I guess it should be pretty interesting. It's very basic in comparison to special topic classes like Global Feminisms that I took with Prof. Forte last semester, but her teaching style seems similar. (My Environmental Studies teacher actually reminds me a lot of Prof. Forte.. I really miss her. I keep seeing people from class and from the memorial service -- everytime I have to walk in the same building I can't stop thinking about it.)
  • Intro to Anthropology; 12:50-2:20PM
    It seems like this class will be [in Mr. Bergland's words,] "challenging, but fair." The professor is a short round man with a big grey beard, and he wants us to call him Skip. (Hmm.) He tends to talk a lot and I tend to zone out when that happens, but I'm going to try my best and pay attention. Shannon's in that class with me so it will be nice to have a roommie. :-)

    I should actually go read for Anthro before lunch, but I thought I'd leave you with a lovely sign that I saw today:

    Edit [11AM] That reminds me, I've been talking with some people (mostly from various conversations at work, last night) about changing my interest/major from something psychology related to something sex education/psychology related. I feel like this is an obvious choice for me; suddenly I'm much more excited to grow up and learn everything I need to know to become the next Sue Johanson. (I'm sure my parents would love telling people that their daughter studies sex for a living... :-D)

    Edit [3PM] (In relation to the above edit-topic) I saw something in our school paper today that caught my attention: "We're hiring for the spring 2006 sex columnist." I'm thinking about applying, but I don't know how I'd do. I love talking with people about several issues revolving around sex, but can I answer people's questions that I won't always be able to relate to? I feel like I'm able to relate to questions my friends ask me.. but can I sit there and write a 500-word response to strangers' questions? I think part of my hesitation is based on how little I am educated in the field to be able to devise more of the "biologically, this is why this happens" response rather than things that are experience/logic/opinion based.
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