2005 Memes

Jan 13, 2006 10:21

I filled these out over the course of last week and figured I'd post them even if it's the middle of January.

How many girlfriends/boyfriends? one
How many breakups? none
How many crushes? three or four
Care to mention names? The only one of importance is Miles.
Had to say goodbye to? I said goodbye to all of the Annadalians. I specifically remember saying goodbye to Ben's mom at last year's New Years party - she started crying when she was hugging me goodbye. That's probably the most vivid goodbye-memory I have of 2005 other than graduation and the end of the summer.
Missed anyone? yes
Win anything? I'm not sure
Best place you went to? I had a really fun time kayaking in the sea caves with Miles over the summer and camping in a tent by Lake Superior. :) Also, of course, the band trip to New Orleans [ http://www.livejournal.com/users/boxofnaked/19768.html ]
Worst place you went to? I can think of a number of reasons why I shouldn't have gone to the annual New Years party at Ben's house in Annandale a week after we broke up.
How was your birthday? :P It was fun. [ http://www.livejournal.com/users/boxofnaked/18971.html ]
Best present? Pecan-free pecan pie is the first thing I thought of :)
Movie: Eternal Sunshine (first introduced to me in 2005, and one of my favorites)
Album: The Killers
Song: Gary's adaptation of "Numa Numa" was a part of my life for at least 3 months.
Month: I can't pick one specific month, but the entire summer was one of the best I've had.
Lesson you've learned from 2005: It's okay to let go. Let yourself be hurt, let yourself be frustrated or mad, but recognize that things feel so much better once you've realized the importance of letting go and opening your arms to the better parts (and people) of your life.
Hope for the next year: My hope stems from a number of things, including hope that I will continue to be successful in school, that I will start figuring out what it is that I want to do and accomplish with my life, and that I will continue to be surrounded by the people I love.
Clothing item or outfit of the year: My black zip-up hoodie and favorite jeans that I wear all the time
Hairstyle of the year: 2005 was my first year of normalcy after years of dying it.
Jewelry of the year: I rarely wear jewelry anymore, but when I do, I love my pink-pearlish looking beaded necklace that Miles soddered(spl) back together.
Makeup product of the year: N/A
Color of the year: Purple. Somehow I ended up with a purple backpack, a purple body pillow, and a purple hugable soft-and-squishy pillow for college this year. To me, that's a lot of purple for one dorm room.
Car of the year: In the beginning of 2005, my precious Bertha was crushed and died forever. I'd like to give her car of the year. She served me well.
Boy of the year: Miles
Food of the year: Cereal or microwaveable dinners for Shannon and I when we don't have time to eat anything else. That, or cream cheese wontons because they're delicious.
Drink of the year: Shannon introduced me to caramel white mochas- I don't think I can ever go back to regular mochas again.
Class of the year: I loved a lot of the classes I took in my second half of senior year at South as well as my first semester at Hamline. My first thought in response to this question, however, was my third-year Global Feminisms class. I took it originally because I wanted to drop Crime and Justice in America and needed something to replace it, but I ended up being a lot more interested and had a much higher desire to learn than ever expected. Not only did I learn from this class in terms of my own individual thinking, but I learned how to handle the death of our professor in a constructive way by still feeling close to the class and to my work steming from the class. My research started through her guidance with my own perspective, and ended with a colaboration of work from our entire class in dedication to her memory.
Appliance of the year: The microfridge in my dorm room has served me well. Although it's simply a microwave that sits on top of a mini-fridge, it is one wonderful appliance with a name of its own, and I'd recommend it to college students everywhere.
Recreational activity of the year: I have learned to accept and understand the beauty behind LAN parties. Yes, they count, and I have learned many new things because of them.
Means of Communication of the year: AIM.
Gift of the year: I'm pleased with the things I gave other people for Christmas, this year. For myself, I was happy to receive things that showed they were paying attention to my interests (gift certificates to Caffetto's from my little sister, pecan-free pie from Miles) or things that made me laugh (the orgasm key chain).
Holiday of the year: Either my birthday or Christmas
Achievement(s) of the year: Getting good grades; being accepted into a college I wanted to go; getting a job that I like; overcoming the stress and making it out of my first semester alive.
1. What did you do in 2005 that you've never done before? Graduated from high school, went to Chicago, lived by myself for a week, got drunk enough to throw up, got high enough to pass out, got into a car accident, moved out of the house and into a dorm, got my first cavity, ....and on an entirely different [cheesy yet sincere] note, felt what it truly means to be in love.
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I don't think I made any official new years' resolutions. Usually I just wish happiness upon myself and others.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Not that I know of.
4. Did anyone close to you die? Yes
5. What countries did you visit? N/A
6. What would you like to have in 2006 that you lacked in 2005? Pants that fit me. I have pants that are too big, and pants that are too small (or rather, they would fit if I really liked how hip-huggy they are).
7. What dates from 2005 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? Last year's New Years party at Ben's because of the goodbyes, a few other crappy Ben-and-Morgan-related memories, Ruby's St. Patrick's Day party in mid-March as well as a lot of things associated with Miles, the coma/death of my Global Feminisms prof, the day I learned to hate alcohol, ... I have a very associative memory so a lot of things seem to stay whether I want them to or not.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? See above meme.
9. What was your biggest failure? See #13, below.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? Yes, but nothing major other than the stomach cancer scare.
11. What was the best thing you bought? I spent $60 on plastic organization storage bins for my dorm room and it was probably the most constructive, wisest shopping decision I have ever made.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? I can think of a number of people including Miles for involving himself in school and making friends through various groups as well as being a wonderful friend and boyfriend, Shannon for being a great roommate and friend, Eric for introducing me to various perspectives of the world (and "Waking Life"), and others. So many of my friends have accomplished a lot and I am very proud and happy for all of them.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Ben and Morgan, when I let it get to me, and myself, for the irresponsible decisions that I made.
14. Where did most of your money go? Other than college, Christmas presents, and, I liked Ashley's answer: being social (resaurants, concerts, movies, and beverages).
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? I remember being really happy and excited when I found out that I got into Hamline. Pretty sure I jumped up and down, actually, after I hung up the phone. So.. there's that. I also get really excited right before I'm about to see people that I haven't seen in awhile. Like when I saw Miles for the first time in a month, or Ruth, because she always makes it exciting when you see her :-). I tend to get really happy when I see people I haven't seen in awhile. Makes sense, I think.
16. What song will always remind you of 2005? Numa Numa, I guess. I was introduced to its wonderfulness in 2005 and it basically changed my life forever. (That, and anything created by Gunther because he's foreign and has a mullet and luscious luscious lips and thinks of genius lines like, "Ooh.. You touch my tra la la.")
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) Happier or sadder? Hah. Based on the circumstances of last year, I know for a fact that I am much much happier.
b) Thinner or fatter? thinner
c) Richer or poorer? richer
18. What do you wish you'd done more of? LET GO. I could not stress this enough.
19. What do you wish you'd done less of? 1. Procrastinate. 2. Waste time worrying over things that either don't matter, shouldn't matter, or will get me no where. 3. Waste my time with people that will only end up hurting me in the end when Truth is finally revealed.
20. How did you spend Christmas? It was probably the most laid back Christmas I have ever had. I woke up around noon, ate lunch, and then opened presents with my family.
22. Did you fall in love in 2005? Yes
23. How many one-night stands? Eck. (Hah. You know me. At least one a night. Obviously.)
24. What was your favorite TV program? I didn't watch enough TV this year to say that I watched anything in particular. (I don't know if I should be okay with that, or kind of disappointed that I didn't waste more time watching TV.)
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? Yep.
26. What was the best book you read? It's been awhile since I've read anything by choice, but I have liked a lot of the books that I've read for school. Sherman Alexie's "Tonto" (there's more to the title) wasn't all that bad. I also liked "Giovanni's Room," "Remembering Babylon," "Woman Warrior," and some others that we read in CIS Lit.
27. What was your greatest musical discovery? Pretty German music other than Rammstein. :-D And other things like The Streets or the entire Garden State soundtrack or Bright Eyes, Metric, The Postal Service, Death Cab, etc. Lots of things that have been around for awhile but I am new to listen to them.
28. What did you want and get? Into college, a laptop, money, bus cards.
29. What did you want and not get? 1, It doesn't really matter and 2, I didn't tell anyone I wanted anything specific other than bus cards. A few of the things I thought of to write are things that I plan on purchasing for myself in the near future, so all is well. :-)
30. What was your favorite film of this year? Looking to the above meme, I'd say Eternal Sunshine. I'm not sure if it was actually released this year, but I saw it, and I can think of others, but this is an important one to name.
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? :-) There is a link in the first meme.
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Some sort of trip/adventure/vacation with my friends.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2005? Simple. Jeans, shirt, zip-up hoodie.
34. What kept you sane? Socializing, freedom, and living out of the house.
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? The only moment of celebrity oogling I recall is when Ruby and I saw Micheal Pitt in "Hedwig and the Angry Inch."
36. What political issue stirred you the most? 1. Gay marriage: The fact that there are restrictions on who can and cannot marry one another, 2. Women's reproductive rights: I believe in a woman's right to choose.
37. Who did you miss? Miles, and other people I hadn't seen in awhile.
38. Who was the best new person you met? My roommate Shannon. (Plus a lot of Hamline and new-to-me-South folk.)
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2005: Firstly, I have found that "if you feel it, say it" is a nice motto to go by. Secondly [& this is a bit of a repeat, but] I believe it's important to learn to let go, even if you find that it hurts. Let go, and trust that bigger and better things will come from it. Let go, and learn to accept change. Let go of the little things. Acknowledge that you cannot always please everyone around you. Acknowledge that people may react differently toward something than you expected them to. Acknowledge that acceptance and understanding may take time. Learn to love the person you have become. Let go and let yourself breathe in order to remember how good it feels.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return."
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