Mar 03, 2006 14:42
I step off the bus, glance at my phone to check the time, and glance back up. A man with a smile sees me and says hello. As I am passing I smile and say hi back. He turns around. He asks, "Say, do you like movies?" I hesitantly say yes. He tells me that he sells movies and starts listing off the ones he has from memory. I politely say no thanks and start walking away. He asks me my name. I kind of brush it off and keep walking. He says, "All I want to know is your name. I just thought you were pretty and I wanted to get to know you better." I'm caught off guard, but still seem to be able to smile and say, "It's Emily." I hear myself asking him, "What's yours?" He says something that starts with an O - Owen, Otis, I don't remember. I nod, smile, and say, "Well it was nice to meet you," and continue walking away. He asks, "Hey, do you think I could give you a call some time?" "No, I don't think so." "Oh, come on. Please?" He puts his hands up in the begging sort of way. I smile, wave him goodbye, and shake my head as I keep walking and never turn back.
Maybe someday I'll write a real entry again.