Jun 14, 2011 17:19
[With the thinnest amount of patience ever, Nathan tries to at least... make conversation with you people] Ok, so these... what are you calling them? Roadies... Rhodans? ... Whatever. The green ones. How the hell am I supposed to understand what they're asking me when they're cornering me out on the street and speaking that... clicky language? Is there some kind of translator program or ...
[hesitantly] robot... thing... that could... [yeah, ok, this is dumb]
I can't believe I'm asking this.
[Deep breath, forging ahead:] Look, they seem to want something from me, and if they're part of my... constituency here on Coruscant, I'd rather know if they were compliments or death threats.
Anybody who's got a lead on a local linguist or something, I'd appreciate it.
with: nyota uhura,
with: tracy strauss,
with: the exile,
with: anakin solo,
with: claire bennet,
with: nathan young,
with: peter petrelli,
who: nathan petrelli