Drabble Post IV

Sep 06, 2010 00:47

charloft 100 Drabbles of Summer, Part IV (drabbles 31-40)

Rating: PG?
{{A/N: I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm not going to finish this challenge in its allotted time-I'm not even half-finished yet! I will, however, attempt to write all 100 drabbles. (No guarantees on when they'll be done, though.) Vagueish timeline is up & in progress! Drabble table can be found here. Feedback is lovely!}}

{Prompt #66 ~ Picture of a red balloon}
        {{A/N: I've never written the Hatter before-I hope this sounds like him! ^_^ Also, this sparked a bit of a discussion on the charloft chat ... the riddle actually wasn't meant to have an answer, but then one appeared anyway.}}

"If a red balloon floated far and wide,
Far and wide across the countryside.
If a red balloon floated far and wide,
How many would fit inside?"

"How many of what?" asked Alice.

"No hints!" exclaimed the Hatter, brandishing a finger.

Alice pondered. "I suppose it would depend on the size of the basket-and that of the passengers."

"Possibly. The Walrus didn't answer it for me-or say whether it has one. It's his riddle, you know."

"Do Wonderland riddles ever have answers? It seems I've come across far more of the former."

"Occasionally, if one can be caught!"
{Prompt #5 ~ Wrath}

The roses were (regrettably) white.


The Cat was being its usual vexing self.


Tarts may or may not have been stolen (they were).


Someone had released the croquet implements (flamingoes were now being spotted in the Woods).


Alice nervously waited before the court for her verdict (the Queen had somehow been convinced to give the sentence after a trial). Really, she had only picked a few flowers (not even the ones who talked!)-and nowhere had it said that was the Queen's personal garden ...
{Prompt #51~ Picture of ants on a picnic blanket}
        {{A/N: Inspired by Alice's "Things to Do This Summer" list from this prompt. It had to be written. ^_^ }}

Alice crept toward a certain bench in the Botanical Gardens-excellent! her bundle had been left undisturbed. She set down the basket she had been carrying and opened the cloak-wrapped bundle, revealing a basket containing a rarely used teapot no-one would miss and tea service for one.

Whilst she prepared the tea using the implements she had brought today, Alice spread the cloak on a promising patch of ground in the rose garden, set out dishes and teacup, and began removing the other things she had secreted away. Wrapped cakes from her skirt-pockets, savouries from her reticule.

Covert tea-party-for-one? Begun!
{Prompt #32 ~ Road Trip}

The Liddells were on their way to an assembly in Cambridge by carriage. Dean Liddell was revising sermon notes, Mrs Liddell and Lorina animatedly conversing about the latest styles in this or that-some of which might be observed at the assembly (they would certainly be making comparisons to Deanery socials.)

Alice was meant to be part of this discussion, but found herself quite distracted. Much to her family's surprise, she wasn't looking forward to the evening's event. Assemblies were often far too hot and stuffy-she much preferred outdoor gatherings in summertime. (Or at least ones with fewer guests.)
{Prompt #6 ~ Pride}

Oftentimes in the Loft, Alice feels that she clings too much to her senses of pride and propriety. She's frequently baffled by these people from the future, especially their dress and manner, but is frustrated with herself when she openly reacts thusly.

(Likewise, she feels she's the only one who hasn't any dealings with supernatural beings in her daily life. Of course, this might just be because she hasn't met any outside the Loft yet. But would she truly want to?)

Alice tends to bristle overmuch, might seem rather pedantic or sensitive. Sometimes, it's a defense mechanism (like the piano).
{Prompt #41 ~ Run-in with neighbors}
        {{A/N: This is set in the nearish future.}}

Wonderland gardens tend to be difficult, especially if one must contend with disagreeable vegetation. Luckily, Alice did not find her garden overrun with sentient flowers today (she may have given a cluster quite a scolding Wednesday last).

She paused and regarded her cottage. Mother would be quite appalled, but Alice thought it rather comfortable. It had been very kind of the Queen to offer her the residence-

Alice's musings were interrupted by a flying object.

"Beggin' yer pardon, Miss Alice!"

She smiled at her neighbour. "I'm quite all right Mr Hedgehog-I wasn't hit. Are the boys playing cricket again?"
{Prompt #40 ~ Breakdown}
        {{A/N: This is another "too many thoughts = too many words" sort of drabble. An edited and expanded version can be found here. (It's very nearly a drabble-and-a-half.) Also, things are going to be changing for the better for Alice very soon. }}

It happened quite suddenly.

Alice had been reorganising her room, straightening this, tidying that. Whilst rummaging in her trunk, she spotted a sketchbook hidden where Mother would (hopefully) never find it.

This little book held depictions of Wonderland and its inhabitants (along with information about the Realm as Alice remembered).

She had been attempting to return nearly the whole summer-but to what end? Perhaps she ought to give up ...

(A crying-fit might not be so inappropriate at such a time. Nevertheless, Alice scolded herself fiercely with a handkerchief.)

She did have one more idea where to look for answers ...
{Prompt #84 ~ Author's Choice: Authorship}
        {{A/N: Companion to/continuation of Drabble 37. (Also, I had originally planned on actually playing this one out first-but then I decided just to write it instead [i.e. Alice!muse has been sulking a bit lately on the RPG front].) }}

On a recent visit to the Loft, Alice had finally perused the books she had been told were written about her, intending to look for forgotten details that might help her return to the Realm.

How had these books been written? Did an Alice in another universe write them? If not, how did the author know exactly what had happened on her adventures? The similarities were more than uncanny. (She couldn't have written them herself: the dates showed that.)

(Alice couldn't quite bring herself to think that she might just be a fictional character in all worlds save her own.)
{Prompt #85 ~ Author’s Choice: Crowding}
        {{A/N: Follows Drabble 34 (Road Trip).}}

After the family had been announced, Alice looked for a much-needed glass of punch before even thinking of filling her dance card.

Yes, the K_____'s ballroom was sizeable, but it still managed to be far too crowded. (One would presume it might be advisable to limit one's guest list in the summer months; this was obviously not the case for this assembly.)

Alice managed four dances before she found herself in need of refreshments and excused herself from the floor.

She retrieved a fan from her reticule-it was so very warm!-and set off in search of fresh air.
{Prompt #17 ~ Kindness}

Once, when she was a child, Alice had found a young bird that had fallen from its nest in the Liddell garden. She managed to convince Mrs Bradford to allow her to put a little box for the bird in the kitchen ("Where the kittens won't get to it, poor thing"). However, the cook hadn't been pleased when Alice brought worms in.

Several days later, it was strong enough to fly away.

Occasionally, Alice thinks of that little bird. Had he travelled far? Were his descendants the robins that sang outside her window? Oh, how it must feel to fly!


100 drabbles challenge 2010, charloft, drabble post

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