Dec 07, 2004 18:15
I hate how Santa Clause is exaulted to the top of my tree. who is he to place himself upon such a lofty perch? Santa Clause...the least crafty, least sneaky, most conspicuous theif. but alas he is the greatest of all theives, for he stole a birthday. a normal kind of birthday, just like yours or mine, it comes once a year, and presents are given. but you see hes cleaverly snatched it out of Christs hands. The one day should be aware of that every one celebrates (at least in the USofA) and made it into his. every Christmas Eve my family reads the night before Christmas. its about... you guessed it, Santa Clause. about him arriving to give gifts to kids who have been thinking eating and breathing the ambition of his arrival. why dont we read to our families about Christs birth? that is what its all about isnt it? Christmas Christ-mas, it means the day of Christ people, catch a clue. replace Christ where ever Mr. Clause is and we will have things set straight.