Title: Pictures of You
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Characters: Veronica. Duncan, Lilly, Logan, Mac, Wallace mentions.
Word Count: 585
Rating: G
Spoilers: Through 309, plus.
Summary: I can almost believe that the pictures are all I can feel
Notes: Last of the teaser ficlets for
rejeneration at
vm_santa. Title and lyrics at the beginning taking from The Cure, a song that I have a strange love for. Still unbeated so all mistakes are my own.
I've been looking so long at these pictures of you
That I almost believe that they're real
I've been living so long with my pictures of you
That I almost believe that the pictures are
All I can feel
She looked at the date on her cell phone, astonished that she’d made it this far without caving in and calling him. The news he had delivered that day in May hit her harder than she wanted to admit, especially to him. She couldn’t admit that to anyone, though, because Veronica Mars never let people get to her. She was stronger than anyone in public, except secretly she wanted to breakdown in public at his news.
Instead of a very public display of her disapproval, a very loud session of emo music, Veronica pored over everything that she had around her room that reminded her of him. Her photographs of the two of them at various points in their friendship and relationships stared back at her, reminding her of happier times with him. That one of the four of them from Homecoming provided her with the swift kick in the gut about his departure. She was about to be the only one left in Neptune from that picture-she’d always imagined that Logan would outlast her and grow old in Neptune, but then again, she hadn’t planned on him breaking up with her to save his heart either.
She couldn’t really imagine that Logan was actually leaving Neptune for a new college without her or anyone else. The photos were the final nails in the coffin, as Logan’s decision finally sunk in. He was leaving, and he hadn’t expressed any interest in keeping up with her once he did. She’d be left with only these pictures to remember everything that had been between them. Seven years together, fit together with a few hundred photos-not enough memories for all of the stories Veronica still remembered, but she had no way to tell Logan that.
He’d left for Massachusetts, and she was left with all of these photos, haunting her with the memories of things that had been. Trying to explain this to Wallace or Mac seemed a bit stupid, especially since she’d put on that brave face of not being torn up about their break up in November. Instead, she was left to wallow in self-pity as the happy images kept her mind focused on the man she’d been trying to forget for the last nine moths.
In a moment of regret at her current situation, Veronica did something she never thought she was capable of. She collected all of the pictures, except for the one from Homecoming, placed them all her in trashcan, found a match, and set the photos on fire. If Logan wanted to forget about her by leaving, she’d erase every happy memory of him. He’d said something about moving on with his life, and this was her way of doing the same.
As the flames turned all of the photos into ash, Veronica realized that her decision had somehow made Logan’s departure that much easier. Without the pictures, she wouldn’t be tempted to think of him, and she knew that Wallace and Mac would never bring him up.
She’d just saved herself a lifetime of pain, but that didn’t stop the current pit in her stomach from forming as it finally set in to her mind that she and Logan were done-over.
Epic didn’t mean everything she thought it had after all.