Wherein I squee....

Mar 31, 2008 10:59

...about Supernatural and the con that was this weekend in LA.

At this point, I don't know how much I can really remember, but I'll try my best to recap. (It's that case of over-stimulation where I can't remember much, but loved everything about it.)

I will apologize right now on the yellow nature of all of these pictures. The lighting was ABSOLUTE crap, and these were the best I could do with my "nighttime snapshot" setting instead of indoor.

Never underestimate the power of a preferred weekend pass when dealing with pre-registration. Easiest thing ever before anything started.

Fredric Lane was the first to be on stage, and he say "Sympathy for the Devil" with a few modifications for the YED.

The panel was a little stilted at first, but got a bit better. The most interesting part was a conversation on how Fred went blind from those contracts because he couldn't actually see out of them.

There was this one girl who really loved Fredric and it sounded a bit awkward, but hey, it's a con, it happens.

Jason was up next, and most of the questions were about how he met Jensen and a few questions about his songwriting process.

In the end, he played a song on his guitar.

Chad was up next, and this panel hurt, but only because he didn't have much to say (the questions didn't lead to any good conversation with all of us, but ah well.)

I asked a slightly funny question about what Chad thought Ash's favorite website might be (it was porn!)

Kripke came up next, answered every question that was asked (even when the time for his panel had expired) and generally spoiled lots about the end of S3 and some of S4. I won't recap that now.

There was a question by wendy about the possibility of a bodyswap episode, which was entertaining.

I asked about the increase in gore this season, and it's around to stay, because Kripke likes it so much.

zimshan there was a sort of lighting related question that made me think of you. Someone asked why the season seemed so much lighter compared to last, and it was a tinker on the show's part to emphasis the bad moments in contrast to the good whereas last year it was just dark all the time. Who knows if we'll see the pretty flare lenses back, but we can only help.

Kripke really does say "Hee Hee!" when talking, but I can't for the life of me remember the context. Sorry! Like I'm sure most of you know, he's a fanboy, and he has no problems talking about the show with other fans. It was interesting to see a showrunner be that invested (not that I don't think most showrunners are, but the level of conversation was different between anything I'd see at Paley and this.)

Kripke is also cute enough to have his own headshots to sign (which was funny to know after I'd spent time trying to figure out something for him to sign before everything started.) He was really sweet to everyone in line (and signed regardless of your status on Saturday.)

Fredic was late to the autographs, which pushed some of the fun off, but Chad, Jason and Fred (when he showed up) where all very sweet about the process.

Steve's concert was good, if a bit slow at the beginning (everyone actually was sitting in the seats set up, which is not at all conducive to a concert.)

Here's the rest of the pictures from Saturday, because well, the stories might matter more.)

sarah_p and I decided to get to the picture line early since we had nothing to do after checking out. I managed to be behind the photographer in line at Starbucks, and we were the first in line for our respective pictures.

Score one of us. We chat with all of the other people in line, have a good merry time waiting for the breakfast to end and the boys to come in. Sadly I wasn't around when Jensen arrived for his pictures, but there's some nice video evidence of it and Sarah.

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If you can make it out, there's an eyebrow wiggle when he walked in. OH!

By the time Jared got there (and Jensen's individual pictures were almost over) Sarah and a girl named Jenna got this great shot of Jared.

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By this time, I made my way through my picture and then into the hall to wait for the fun.

Of course because I was done with photos and didn't want to hang around in the blackpit of cell phone reception in that part of the ballroom, I missed this:

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You can't tell me that's not the funniest, and cutest thing ever??!?!

Now we're in the panel, and Jared reannounces to the Gold members that he and Sandy are engaged. I don't particularly remember most questions asked (except for the woman who asked the James Lipton questions to everyon--Jared's favorite word is cookie, his favorite curse word is shit.) I think the best moment was when asked about a Sam tagline, he said something like "Dean, my ass! Dean, my ass!" and then facepalmed at the implication of that. Only case of open-mouth-insert-foot disease by the boys all weekend.

(Oh, wait, I found some of my notes on the questions asked!)

The little guys in 3x09 weren't coached by other of the boys.

There are adlibs to the script (the punch in Born Under a Bad Sign), for one.

Mystery Spot was hard to shot (down in block shots, so that they got all of the same takes on different days out of the way) because of the nature of the episode.

He also found it hard to shoot because of it being done around Christmas and the happiness of the holiday, but the sullen nature of the episode.

If there were a bodyswap, Jared would study Dean and work on Jensen's stupid faces. (OH BOYS!)

Oh, I do remember the story behind these two--some fan had found some production stills from an episode and wanted an explanation about them. He had none, but wanted to burn them after. *g*

Instead of just having a cut off between panels, Jensen just came out and interrupted some question and then Jared left.

I don't remember much about the question Jensen was asked, but there was something about Days, distribution of Ten Inch Hero, and something about him enjoying golf (in that completely frustrating way.) Jensen's favorite curse word is shit, as well (along with Kripke, now that I remember), and he can't eat caramels after that scened from S2 (he had about 12 to 15 in his mouth at a time, and it went multiple takes.) He's afraid of clowns (like Sammy) and gutter.

I don't remember during which panel, but sarah_p asked a question about the looping in Mystery Spot (how they did it) and why Sam has a ruler by his bead (Jared didn't know.)

I sadly don't remember most of the questions during the time with both boys, but they play off each other well. Jared got a bit offended by all of the Jensen questions when they were both up (mostly the line was still filled with girls wanting to ask him questions before), which was amusing.

Someone had congratulated Jensen on being thirty and he told Jared he'd like it soon enough. Jensen then patted his knee.

This is from when someone asked about the bodyswap to both of them (Jared rubbed himself up and down like he imagined Dean might) and Jensen then went like this to mimic Sam.

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Video of that for better understanding.

After that was the autographs. I was in line with elanurel and her friend. She'd wanted to tell Jensen "Holy Crap! You look like Dean Winchester", but I decided it was better to say something weird to Jared, which got she and her friend laughing. So, we get up to Jensen, I ask him what his favorite TIH shirt was (the CIA one) and then elanurel is still laughing. Jared asks why, and I say, " has anyone ever told you who look like Dean Forrester?", which he laughs about. :D

After that we ate, and then came back for Steve Carlson talking and Sandy.

Sandy was bouncy and nervous and really sweet. She doesn't curse, and wants to be a dance studio owner. There were a few questions about the Pussycat Dolls and some of her other work, but it was a quick panel.

I don't remember the context, but it made me giggle.

After that, I ended up paying more for her autograph (it wasn't included as part of the Preferred or Gold package, after much confusion.) before waiting for prints of the pictures to be done.

There's some pure laziness on my part right now, in that I didn't want to post all of the good pictures that I took. There are more here if you want to look.

If you like them well enough to make art or anything, please let me know and just credit me in the post where you post them.

Overall, a great weekend, and plenty of fun.

spn, creationcon

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