There is no real way to recap this panel because it was just a free for all (I suppose that it makes sense when it's moderated by an executive producer of Lost.
However, all of that said, it was really fun.
Zach and Josh G have switched places (Zach sporting a full beard, Josh with a goatee.)
The cast was separated by how they interact with Chuck (the Nerd Herd and Awesome on one side, Adam and Yvonne with Zach on the other.)
There were myriad number of video game references, made even more entertaining with Josh and Zach exchanging looks about them.
Yvonne keeps getting comments back in Australia about having an American accent now that she's here so much.
Baldwin likes to crack jokes, and has a very good sense of humor about the number of people who still love him from Firefly.
Schwartz was asked a few questions about the bromance in Chuck and The OC, which prompted him to say that there was nothing more pure than a love between two men (paraphrase at this point.)
In the original pilot there was another women who Chuck pined for, but it complicated the story too much in the beginning. Also, Lester and Ted were supposed to throw out non-sequiters at the end of many scenes with Chuck to throw off the workplace dynamic.
The panel ended with a great version of Prout's questionnaire that is done most week's by James Lipton on Inside the Actor's Studio.
I know I'm missing plenty, but there wasn't a clear format to this one like Pushing Daisies.