12:10 AM - Bedroom - Sorting out my purse.
12:30 AM - Bathroom - time to get myself to bed.
10:06 AM - Bedroom - Trying to figure out baby shower presents for a friend.
11:34 AM - Driveway - My car is in need of a wash, but I find the spiderwebs fascinating.
1:05 PM - BJ's - Juice and the "girls".
1:51 PM - Babies R Us - Something came from looking at baby stuff.
3:00 PM - Bedroom - Juice's adorable baby shower announcement. Look, there's twins on the way!
5:53 - Backyard - The peaches are mostly gone, but our tree is still green.
7:15 PM - Beddroom - Chat with a friend.
8:10 PM - Kitchen - Time to make dinner.
8:12 PM - Family Room - Maybe watch a bit of the All-Star Game, too.
10:06 - Kitchen - Hydration is always key.