(no subject)

Jun 24, 2005 00:03

I bought a paid account a few weeks ago, so I have some question about Boxer:

1. If you look at my links list, it's not centered. It's off to the left a bit. I have the list's alignment set to "middle." How can I fix this?
2. See how my navigation links have spaces between each words' letters? Can I do this with my dates too?
3. I finally got my comment boxes to fit the layout, but is there any way to change the colors? For instance, if you click the comment link in my journal, the comment background is black and the font is white. I know I've seen it in different colors in other LJs, but I can't figure out what codes will change it. Does anyone know how to do it? Okay, so now the background/font is how I want it, but how do you change the button colors (such as where it says "post comment")?
4. Also, how do you make the lock icon show up on friends only posts instead of having the word "locked" there?

layerinfo "type" = "theme";
layerinfo "name" = "divine_dreams";

set text_view_friends = "friends";
set color_nav_bg = "#82BABB";
set nav_link = "#FFFFFF";
set nav_scale = "same";
set page_width = 600;
set entry_link = "#000000";
set entry_bg = "#FFFFFF";
set text_view_archive = "memories";
set text_view_recent = "entries";
set info_font = "#000000";
set my_date = "long";
set entry_font = "#000000";
set info_link_visited = "#000000";
set text_view_month = "calendar";
set entry_link_visited = "#000000";
set links_divider = " . ";
set info_bg = "#FFFFFF";
set links_name = "";
set info_link = "#82BABB";
set bg_color = "#FFFFFF";
set font_size = "small";
set font_family = "Verdana";
set page_background_pattern = "none";
set page_background_image ="";
set page_friends_items = 15;
set page_recent_items = 15;
set text_meta_music = "listening to";
set text_meta_mood = "feeling";
set show_mini_calendar = false;
set show_entry_userpic = true;
set linklist_support = false;
set lineheight = 11;

function Page::print_custom_head() {
are you listening? + divine_dreams@livejournal.com



function Page::print_linklist() {





function FriendsPage::print_entry (Entry e) {
var Friend f = $.friends{$e.journal.username};
$f.bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
$f.fgcolor = "#000000";
print_entry($this, $e, $f.bgcolor, $f.fgcolor, false);

# Top Navigation

function print_nav(Page p) {

# figure out the width of each table cell in the navigation based on total page width
var int blank = $*page_width - 660;
if($p.journal.website_url) {
$blank = $blank - 0;







# Forward and back nav functions

function Page::lay_viewspec_nav() {


function DayPage::lay_viewspec_nav() {


if ($.prev_url != "") {



if ($.next_url != "") {



function MonthPage::lay_viewspec_nav() {


if ($.prev_url != "") {



if ($.next_url != "") {



function RecentPage::lay_viewspec_nav() {


if ($.nav.backward_url != "") {



if ($.nav.forward_url != "") {



# Print and Print Bodies

function Page::print() {

var string title = $this->title();







var bool linkl = false;
if(size $.linklist > 0) { $linkl = true; }
if(not $*linklist_support) { $linkl = false; }

var bool box = false;
if($.journal.default_pic) { $box = true; }
if($*show_mini_calendar) { $box = true; }
if($linkl) { $box = true; }

if($box) {


if($.journal.default_pic) {

if($linkl or $*show_mini_calendar) {


if($*show_mini_calendar) {
if($linkl) {




href="$*SITEROOT/allpics.bml?user=$.journal.username">src="$.journal.default_pic.url" width="$.journal.default_pic.width"
height="$.journal.default_pic.height" border="0">









# recent page

function RecentPage::print_body {
foreach var Entry e ($.entries) {

# Print Entries

function print_entry (Page p, Entry e, Color bgcolor, Color fgcolor, bool
hide_text) {

var int entry_page_width = $*page_width;
var int entry_half_width = $entry_page_width / 2;
var bool userpic_view = false;

if($p.view == "friends" or $p.journal_type == "C" or $e.poster.username !=
$e.journal.username or $*show_entry_userpic) {
$userpic_view = true;

if($p.view != "friends" and $*show_entry_userpic) {
$bgcolor = $*entry_bg;
$fgcolor = $*entry_font;

if($userpic_view) {
var string url = $e.journal->base_url();
var string url2 = $e.poster->base_url();
$entry_page_width = $*page_width - 122;
$entry_half_width = $entry_page_width / 2;


if($e.journal.username != $e.poster.username) {

if($e.userpic) {
height="$e.userpic.height" border="0" alt="$e.journal.username"




if($userpic_view == false) {
print """ class="new" """;


if ($e.security) { print "locked"; }



print $e.time->date_format($*my_date);
print " " + $e.time->time_format();



if($e.subject) {


var string metadata;

if ($e.metadata) {
foreach var string k ($e.metadata) {
var string text = $k;
var string val = $e.metadata{$k};
if ($k == "mood") { $text = $*text_meta_mood; }
if ($k == "music") { $text = $*text_meta_music; }
if ($k == "mood" and defined $e.mood_icon) {
var Image i = $e.mood_icon;
$val = "align='absmiddle'> $val";
$metadata = $metadata + """$text: $val

if (not $hide_text) { print "
"; print "






var Link mem;
$mem = $e->get_link("mem_add");
if(defined $mem) {
Add to<br />Memoriesalign="middle">

var Link lnk;
$lnk = $e->get_link("edit_entry");

if(defined $lnk) {
Edit entrytitle="Edit entry" width="20" height="21" border="0"


var Link tell;
$tell = $e->get_link("tell_friend");
if(defined $tell) {
Email this<br />entry to a friendheight="21" border="0" align="middle">



if($userpic_view) {


function Page::print_entry (Entry e)
print_entry($this, $e, null Color, null Color, false);

function FriendsPage::print_entry (Entry e) {
var Friend f = $.friends{$e.journal.username};
print_entry($this, $e, $f.bgcolor, $f.fgcolor, false);

# Comment Links

function CommentInfo::print_readlink {
var Page p = get_page();
var string count;
if($.count > 0) {
$count = "" + $.count;
} else {
$count = "";

"""$countsrc="$*comment" alt="Comment" title="Comment" width="17" height="21"
border="0" align="middle">

function CommentInfo::print_postlink() {
var Page p = get_page();
"""alt="Leave a comment" title="Leave a comment" width="20" height="21"
border="0" align="middle">

function CommentInfo::print()
if (not $.enabled) { return; }


Thanks for any help!

comment-form, security-icon, navigation

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