Dec 30, 2005 20:28
so i feel the need to update, mainly cuz i havent updated in a while so i figure i might as well give you ppl who still read my lj something to read about. but im sorry its not very entertaining. to be honest its about my lack of a 4.0. i mean i still did well, but i didnt do as well as i wanted. I pushed myself for my finals. well to be honest i only pushed myself for 2 of my finals. my first 2 finals i went crazy for. i started studying about a week before for them. i had it planned out where i was gonna startstudying 2 weeks before the finals. but i didnt. i just couldnt start that early. but if i did i might have done better. my first exam was comparative politics and i needed a lil less than a 90 to get an A. and this one i studied for a week straight for. i had this exam on monday and i knew it. i was confident. i got an 80 on it. i wanted to kill especially cuz my lost exam grade in that class was a 92, granted we only had 2 other tests but still. grrrrr. and the other test...geography(dont say you'd do well in it cuz you wont, its evil). but anyways, i worked my ass off for that exam, i think i was the first one done(i just sat there looking at it for a good 5 or 10 minutes cuz i didnt want to be the first one to leave). i was confident on that one too. i knew the vocab with the exception of like 2 and i knew the maps, so thats about 38 points i got right there. the rest was based on short answers and yea. i got an 82 on that exam. i ended up with a A- and a B+ respectively in those two classes. my computer exam(which i had right after my geography exam) i had looked over the tests a couple of times and must have done well cuz i believe i needed at least a 93 on that in order to pull off an A in that class and i must have cuz i got the A. and then there was my global issues class that i was borderline A/A-. and i needed at least a 93 on that final in order to get the A and i must have done that cuz i got the A. but i didnt even study that hard for the exam, espcially cuz he didnt give us a study guide, which he had for the other exams so i didnt know what to study. but yea. o the best part, the part that gets to me. is one girl in my class had id say about an A- going into one of the classes. she didnt know 1/3 of the material before taking the test but managed to get an A in the class. and it bothers me cuz i have various suspicions. but yea. i dunno, maybe she just had luck, but i dunno. ok, im gonna stop boring you all with this stuff. hope you got a good laugh out of it.