i got a lot of old friends that are getting back in touch.

Nov 06, 2008 21:55

this was my Halloween. i was Velma from Scooby Doo, even though that is hard to tell since it looks as though i am trying to copy Nina with her lumberjack look.
there was a house show/party in Raleigh that i went to with Saj. i drank a whole bottle of pink champagne. i played way too much beer pong. had bonding time with Daniel. all in all, good times.
at the party, i also managed to tell John T. something that i had been meaning to tell him for about 3 years now. i needed to get that off of my chest, but it probably doesn't matter anymore. what's done is done. i saw the error of my ways and i can only hope he saw the error of his.

i am now a ginger. a drastic change you say? why yes it is. i've been waiting to see what it's like to be something other than a blonde.

Elaine, you are a ridiculous drunk but i love you just the same.

The Hold Steady and the Drive By Truckers are my new favs.

i just got back from Norfolk, VA where i got to see Silverstein and Chiodos for free with Wendy. it was a two day vacation from work that was much needed. our hotel had sleep number beds. i learned my number was 50. Wendy is 35. we watched Roseanne and played with different numbers to get to that point. we jumped on the beds like little kids too. we fought the wind and the rain and walked to the Norva since it was blocks away from the hotel. my umbrella failed and hit Wendy in the face a couple of times, but she took it like a trooper.

thanks to Pulin from Peta, we went to an awesome japanese place that had sweet potato and spinach sushi, fake seaseme chicken and tofu steak, and other neat vegeterian things. on our own, we found a place that had italian ice and gelato. i had pumpkin ice with vanilla gelato that tasted like pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Lauren, you would have loved it. we stopped by one of those country stores on the side of the road and picked up pumpkin butter and peanuts. i wanted to get some sweet potatoes too, but i've never cooked any before so i figured it was a bad idea. there is always next time though.

next weekend i'm visiting Boone again. more vacation time will be used at work. i can't wait to see how it's changed and what new things i can explore.
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