why'd you wanna be my friend when i feel like a juggler running out of hands?

May 07, 2007 13:57

you ever go back and look at some of your old entries and think....what the fuck? most of them make me laugh, especially those from when i had haters. people who never revealed their names, but liked reading my lj and saying, "i can't believe you think you're punk, emo, etc." or things like, "you use to be so innocent." 
i frankly loved how mature people were. i guess people hated me so much that they just loved reading about my life. ah, the memories.

i celebrated the majority of my 22nd birthday at Tate Street Pizza with Lauren and Witknee. at least now i have a bar to go to while i'm in Greensboro for a month.

it feels weird to say, "hey, i'm a college graduate." the realization will hit soon, i'm just unsure of when exactly that will be.

i loved the fact that all of my family and most of my friends came up this past weekend for my moment of glory. i bonded more with my brother Chris than i ever had before so that was a major plus. thanks to him, i now own an Elvis Costello cd.

thanks to Kevin for the Smoking Popes cd.

tomorrow is Say Anything/Saves The Day. right now i'm goin by myself, but maybe that will change. while in Charlotte, at least i get to see Mona.

Shaun is coming up this weekend. let's hope we get to hang out more than 5 minutes.

welcome to the working week or month rather.

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