i was so lost back then, but with a little help from my friends, i found the light in the tunnel...

Feb 06, 2007 17:06

it's almost that time of year again. you know, the time of year where you feel shitty unless you have a signficiant other. i'll resort to feeling shitty once again. soooo, who wants to drink it up this year? cause i know that i do. it'll make me feel better about living the single life.

my brother's show was interesting. i convinced Wendy finally to come. i drank too much Jack. on top of that, my brother bought me two drinks. i got hit on by a 16-year-old. haha. around 2am or so, i left and then went to a party in Chapel Hill. the cops were already there. they didn't care that i showed up though. met up with Josh. had a snuggle/make out session. mmm yes.

Mona visited two weeks ago and we had a slumber party after the Verdict show. i really do miss that gal.

this past weekend was exceptional. lots of time with friends. Amy Low and Josh Wangggo came down, as well as Anna. we celebrated Hannah's birthday. despite Kale getting into a fight...hahaha...which was kind of amusing, it was good times.
Kaydee, Lauren, and Anna came to see me at work cause well, they love me.

Shaun also came down from Wilmington and i only got to see him for a total of 10 minutes. hella lame, but what can you do? he came to see me at work too.
OH YEAH! and i got to see Kirbi's face for like an hour and we had a nice talk over our lives and the shitty situations we've been dealing with.

so all in all, i can't really complain. i got to see a lot of my friends recently. i still wish to hang out with a lot more folks, but usually they are in hiding or still haven't got the chance to come up. that will change soon though, i hope.

snowboarding next weekend? i think so!
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